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The Second MIT Championship for the Sir Ian McFarlane Trophy &
15th Annual Brass Rat Regatta

6-7 October 2007
MIT Sailing Pavilion

Alumni Invitation

Dear Sailing Team Alumni -

This year we are inviting you to a special event: "The Second MIT Championship for the Sir Ian McFarlane Trophy". This Regatta is being held Saturday October 6th, 2007 and prizes will be awarded in four categories: undergraduates, graduates, alums and women with multiple races in tech dinghies.

Please see for further details and to enter the event. It will be held in conjunction with the Brass Rat Regatta but will only count races completed on Saturday. For those who can make both days of sailing, you are welcome to compete on Sunday as well. There is no entry fee for current MIT students or MIT alumni. We will have a great awards ceremony and dinner on Saturday evening at the Pavilion as well.

This Regatta is in honor of Sir Ian McFarlane, CE '50, Chairman and Managing Director of Trans Pacific Petroleum in Sydney, Australia. Sir Ian completed his Master of Science in Civil Engineering at MIT in 1950. He recently gave generous support to MIT's Sailing Program, directed towards the new Racing Fleet of FJ sailboats. He has sponsored the Sir Ian McFarlane Annual Championship in acknowledgement of his many happy memories of sailing on the Charles and enjoying being a volunteer with the Nautical Association.

We hope this Regatta will kindle your own memories and that you will join us. Sir Ian will join us to observe, meet the competitors and to present the Trophy to the winners. Please join us on Columbus Day weekend to renew friendships with your fellow classmates and meet the current students at MIT, also.

We look forward to seeing you back on your favorite river.

Franny Charles
Sailing Master

Updated: 2014/02/10 21:53:19
Updated: 2014/02/10 21:53:19