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MITNA Dinghy Racing Program

Racing Sailing Cards are available for those who do not have MIT Athletic Privileges but wish to be involved in the MITNA racing program only. Racing membership must be purchased at the MIT Sailing Pavilion.

Racing members may participate in the MITNA organized races during the term (which do not have a separate entry fee), but may not use the facility or boats for recreational sailing.

Racing members must also volunteer to help run the racing program (usually by being race committee at least once during each spring/summer/fall you participate), as well as help manage intercollegiate spring and fall events.

MITNA races are those listed in the racing section of the website, including: Advanced Racing (Monday nights during Spring & Fall, Tuesday nights during the Summer), Learn-to-Race (Monday nights during the Summer), Intermediate Racing (Thursday nights during the Summer), and Team Racing (Thursday nights during the Summer).


The costs for a MITNA Racing Membership are as follows:

Full Year Spring Team Racing Only
MIT Student no charge
Non-MIT College / High School Students $40 $25 $25
Under 30yr $125 $70 $70
30-Plus $175 $100 $100
Pricing as of 15 July 2007

Card Expirations

Full Year: Card purchased July 15 - Nov 15 are valid until July 15 the next year.
Spring: Card purchased April 1 - July 14 are valid until July 15 of the same year.
Team Racing: For the summer Team Racing Program only (June-Aug).

Updated: 2014/04/02 15:43:49
Updated: 2014/04/02 15:43:49