IAP: Weather and Electronic Navigation

Thu 16-Jan-202518:30-20:30


This session is a combination of weather and electronic navigation. 

In weatyher, we will be going over:

  • Where does the weather come from?
  • Fronts and air masses
  • Cloud types
  • Wind, waves, and warnings
  • What can you tell from looking at the skies and barometer?
  • Wave heights (wind and fetches)

as well as weather forecasting products and models available online and get usable electronic copies of these products (gribs). 

Next, we will be talking about how to use those gribs in a bluewater setting, which is best done using an electronic chartplotter. We will not be demoing the B&G system we have on Mashnee, but will be demoing OpenCPN, which is available for laptiops and android devices like tablets and smartphones. If attendees want to follow along in class, I suggest they install OpenCPN on their laptop with a few charts (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFrByYYN7Is). Charts from Region 2 (Block Is. to the Canadian border) should be adequate.

We hope to cover the following:

  • Quick overview of OpenCPN
  • Loading and updating charts
  • Requesting and importing Gribs
  • Using the routing plugin with weather and current forecasts



Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): ELISABETH MEIER, SCOTT DYNES

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46