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Upcoming Events
Sat 15 March
Geiger Team Race
Sun 16 March
Geiger Team Race
Sat 29 March
Marchiando Team Race
Sun 30 March
Marchiando Team Race
Mon 31 March
Old Announcements
- Server upgrade: new server (replacing the one failed last May) arrived; the site will be down for a few hours sometime between Aug 3-10 during the change. Exact date TBA here.
- Watch coverage of the MITNA Racing Program on Chris Love"s Sail Groove service!
- Our server had hardware problems on Fri May 15. It is patched for now, and hardware upgrades are in the plans. Sorry if the server goes down again in the coming weeks, its for upgrades.
- MIT Sailing Team Preseason kicks off on Monday, August 25th at 10:00 am. Returning team members should be there for a quick meeting at 10, with new sailors joining at 10:30 for an orientation and sailing. Everyone interested in investigating the team is welcome, regardless of experience. Please refer to the Varsity Sailing page for more information about the MIT Sailing Team.
- You can REGISTER NOW for the Charles River Open Team Race on June 27-29.
- A new credit-card system is being phased in. If you have any problems using the system please contact the web master.
- The advanced "Tech Racing" series start on Mon April 7th at 5:30p sharp.
- Wednesday Learn-to-Sail classes start on Wed April 16th!
- Sunday Learn-to-Sail classes start on Sun May 11th.
- Real-time wind conditions and history are now available!
- Sailing Team pre-season practices start Mon Aug 27 @ 10:00.
- Advanced Racing moves back to Mondays starting Sep 3rd.
- The Sir Ian McFarlane Trophy and Brass Rat Regatta will take place Oct 6-7. Registration now open!
- Renew your sailing card by re-entering your initials in the "Swim Agreement". All cards expired 2007/07/15.
- New Sunday Learn-to-Sail options: Walk-in or pre-register at the Pavilion to secure a spot.
- The Total Regatta at MIT will take place on September 22-23, 2007.
- Pre-register for the Chix Only team race regatta, coming on July 28.
- The 32nd America's Cup is now in progress, with races May 14-25, June 1-12, and June 23-July 7.
- Register for the Charles River Open Team Race on the weekend of June 23rd. The regatta is almost full!
- French X-HEC Trophy in Britanny (France!) on May