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Fleet Renewal

The Fleets

The FJ Racing Fleet
The 420 Race and Rec Fleet
The 7th Generation Tech Dinghy Fleet
Foiling Toys
Electric Outboards

Renewal Status

The FJ Racing Fleet

The 420 Race and Rec Fleet

The 7th Generation Tech Dinghy Fleet

Electric Outboards

The MIT Sailing Pavilion is a very unique resource for the entire MIT community. Started in 1936 the sailing pavilion's programs have introduced more than 100,000 students to a lifetime recreational skill which provides a fun challenge and diversion from the rigors of the academic pursuits of our students. A multi-faceted program offers so many tastes of the various aspects of the sport that it will always remain one of the fondest memories of student life on campus.

Recent pandemic conditions highlighted the value which students placed on getting away from the confines of a computer screen and to be liberated by the wind and the waves. Our sailing team without any external competition was a community of fun skill-building and friendly cooperative support while all of the PE classes were fully booked in Q1, Q3, and Q4.

Eighty-five years of programming has always been achieved with a huge dose of support from our sailing alumni. It was true when you were enrolled and it is still a serious part of keeping those opportunities available for today's scholars.

The boats in these fleets are waiting for your support:




Updated: 2023/11/27 20:02:10
Updated: 2023/11/27 20:02:10