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Fleet Renewal

The Fleets

The FJ Racing Fleet
The 420 Race and Rec Fleet
The 7th Generation Tech Dinghy Fleet
Foiling Toys
Electric Outboards

Renewal Status

The FJ Racing Fleet

The 420 Race and Rec Fleet

The 7th Generation Tech Dinghy Fleet

Electric Outboards

Set Sail: The FJ Racing Fleet (21 boats)

MIT hosts more intercollegiate regattas than any other school in the country. Our coed and women's sailing teams are repeatedly top contenders in New England as well as on the National Circuit. MIT's Varsity Sailing competes across all Divisions I-III and is a two season sport. In 2018 the MIT Team won the coed National Dinghy Championship and also won both A and B Divisions in that regatta. In 2019 the Women's Sailing Team were New England Champions.

Our squads are still a mix of experienced youth sailors and walk-on MIT students who are excited to learn the intricacies of racing dinghies and joining a supportive and dynamic community of undergrad students.

The FJs are the primary vessel for learning and developing racing skills and quite often are pushed hard in breezes up to 55 knots.


New FJ naming rights are $12,500 each, or $37,500 for three. Each block of three has the same color - a great way to contribute with your classmates!

Give to the Sailing Fleet Renewal Fund (#2737867)


To endow an FJ in perpetuity is an additional $39,800 per boat. Endowments may be pledged now and fulfilled over the next three years.

Give to the Sailing Fleet Endowment Fund (#3663200)

Boats in the new fleet

You can name and/or endow one of these boats!

  1. Beta (Royal Blue)
  2. Prince (*) (Royal Blue)
  3. Leigh Brite '47 (Royal Blue)
  4. Alert (*) (Orange)
  5. Bertha Rizika (Orange)
  6. Abraham Rizika (Orange)
  7. Green
  8. Green
  9. Green
  10. Sjborn (Aquamist Blue)
  11. ILTFB (Aquamist Blue)
  12. Cassidy (Aquamist Blue)
  13. Officer Sean Collier (Purple)
  14. Diane (Purple)
  15. Purple
  16. Miss Tara (*) (Yellow)
  17. Karen Serumgard Rizika (Yellow)
  18. Jack Rizika (Yellow)
  19. ? (Gray)
  20. ? (Gray)
  21. ? (Gray)
  22. ? (Gray)
  23. ? (Gray)
  24. ? (Gray)

Boats in the current fleet

These turbo FJs have served the MIT Community for seven years.

  1. Garnet
  2. Tilwin
  3. Wild Thing 2
  4. The Moose
  5. Jack Rizika '47 Family, MIT, and Country!
  6. Jack Rizika '47 MIT Prankster!
  7. Buster
  8. Jack and the Beanstalk
  9. Duncuttin'
  10. Robin's Nest
  11. Captain Kritter
  12. Puff
  13. LizAliKat
  14. Logan
  15. Franny
  16. Slide Rule
  17. Bermudiana
  18. Athena
  19. Northeastern University
  20. Northeastern University
  21. Northeastern University
  22. Northeastern University
  23. Northeastern University
  24. Northeastern University
The Alumni Association insists that we not publish donors' names.

Updated: 2022/03/11 13:42:20
Updated: 2022/03/11 13:42:20