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Boston Harbor Sailing Trips

Harbor trips are organized by individual MITNA members. The boats are filled first come, first served. Register for a trip below, and e-mail the organizers with any questions.

No harbor trips are planned.

About Harbor Trips

Everybody is welcome!

Every so often some of the more experienced sailors (1) want to go out to the Boston Harbor in Lynx Catboats and take along as many people as are interested and fit in the fleet of 4 boats.

map To get to the Harbor the masts of the Lynx Catboats are lowered and the boats are towed (2, red line) to the harbor under the many bridges which cross the Charles River. Once in the harbor, the masts and sails are raised, and the sailing begins (green line).

The length of the trip depends strongly on the main organizer of the trip. Some are one-day trips, leaving early in the morning and returning in the afternoon (usually during the summer when the daytime is longer). Other trips stay to camp out in one (or more) of the harbor islands. Be sure to check the trip description for full details. In all cases the organizers bring the tools to cook food (grills, etc), but normally each person takes care of the food or is part of a potluck, etc.

For more details about the harbor islands, visit:

If you have questions about a specific trip, please contact the organizer. For general harbor trip questions you can contact us using the link at the bottom of the page.

Things to Bring / Facilities

Suggested things to bring:
  • camera (in waterproof protection)
  • sleeping bag
  • tent
  • layers of clothing
    • wool sweater
    • wool socks
    • polypropylene or other effective undergarments
    • wetsuit if you intend to swim
  • foul weather gear (top and bottom)
  • insect repellant (not as necessary this time of year)
  • flashlight
  • waterproof footwear
  • water (the islands have no water, we must bring our own)
  • food (arrange with others in your boat): meals for fri pm, sat am, sat pm, sun am, plus munchies
  • kite
  • guitar, harmonica, kazoo, ...
  • book
There are composting toilets on the islands and they are usually in good shape.


1: Skippers for harbor trips must have the Lynx rating.
2: The Lynx boats are tied together then a Sailing Pavilion motorboat tows them.

Updated: 2014/05/07 08:50:42
Updated: 2014/05/07 08:50:42