Description | Registration | Entries
Registration Status
Event Limit9

Learn-to-Sail Class 1 on Tuesday

Tue 05-Jul-201617:15-19:30
Registration Start: 01-July-2016 at 00:00
Registration End:03-July-2016 at midnight


Registration for the July 5th Tuesday Class 1 will begin at 8:00 am on Friday July 1st.

Best if you can take at least Classes 1 and 2 on consecutive nights.

If you are an EXPERIENCED SAILOR not intending to take Class 2, you do NOT need to register for Class 1, just send an email that you plan to attend Class 1.

>>Note: Smaller class this week due to the holiday week.<<

The event is full.


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Eric Gibber

Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21
Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21