Description | Registration | Entries
Registration Status
Event Limit30

Sloan Fellows Learn-to-Sail Event

Sat 11-Jul-201509:30-14:00
Registration Start: 08-July-2015 at 00:00
Registration End:11-July-2015 at midnight


This event is for the Sloan Fellows Group.

Please arrive between 9:00 and 9:15 on the morning of the class to check in and get a boat assignment.

Currently restricting Registration to the MIT Sloan Fellows students/staff.

Note: This is not a "take a ride in a sailboat" class. Everyone is expected to fully participate in all aspects of learning to sail
- rigging, steering, trimming the sail, and balancing the boat, and might even include some swimming.

The registration deadline has passed.


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Eric Gibber

Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21
Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21