Description | Registration | Entries
Registration Status
Event Limit7
Signed Up17
Awaiting Confirmation10

Columbus Day Harbor Sail

Mon 13-Oct-201409:00-18:00
Registration Start: 07-October-2014 at 00:00
Registration End:12-October-2014 at midnight


Take a day trip out and about the Boston Harbor Islands on X Dimension on Monday, Columbus Day. If you'd like to spend the day aboard MIT's 43-foot sailing yacht, please sign up on the Registration page and be sure to include a cell phone number if you have one. Priority will be given to people with valid sailing cards. We will also be making an effort to get new people aboard who have not yet sailed on this boat.

The event is full.


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): ERIC BROWN

Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21
Updated: 2022/05/04 13:53:21