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Description | Results

Team Racing A Level @ MIT in FJs

Sat 13-Mar-201010:00-16:30
Sun 14-Mar-201010:00-16:30


Saturday: Sailors were greeted by a solid ENE wind and rain, some downpours heavy at times, velocity ranging from 15-24 knots sustained.  Two round robins were completed before 3 PM (30 races), with a comfortable lunch break midday. Courses were the standard collegiate N (with threats of an upside-down MIT "N".) HUGE THANKS to: Fran Charles  ­ start boat/PRO, Jeff Dusek ­ crashboat/sail and boat repairs/scoring, MIT Sailors: Steve Drapcho, Mark Van de Loo, David Alfonso and Adrienne Tran ­ finish boat, and Matt Lindblad ­ shore management. A number of storm jibs had windows patched throughout the day. Some protests were filed to the finish boat; none were heard as none were filed to the scoring office, though the time limit ends after the e-mailing of the results.

Sunday: More rain, but again great breeze out of the ENE at 6-18. The course was the MIT "upside-down digital N" (DW start  - leeward mark 1 to port - leeward offset 2 to port - windward mark 3 to starboard - windward offset 4 to starboard - downwind finish). HUGE THANKS to: Fran Charles - start boat/PRO/protest committee (all protests were Tufts-RWU, who were the only other teams with coaches), MIT Sailors: Tevis Nichols and Charlie Field for taking finishes, and Matty Cohen for crash boat and protest hearings. Sailors were out the door by 2:15 PM with each team sailing at least 17 races (52 races in total.)

1st   Tufts             13-5   **won the sail-off between 1 v 2
2nd   Roger Williams    16-2	
3rd   Brown             10-7	
4th   MIT               6-11	
5th   Providence        6-11   **won the sail-off between 5 v 6
6th   McGill            0-17	

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46