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Description | Results

28th Marchiando & 49th Friis Trophies Team Race @ MIT & Tufts in FJs & Larks

Sat 11-Apr-200909:30-16:30
Sun 12-Apr-200909:30-16:30


MIT Results / Tufts Results


Interviews & videos by Chris Love:

Regatta Report: 56 races were sailed to complete 2 round robins in a 6-10 knot east-northeasterly breeze with frequent rain showers and temperatures in the 40's. Courses were the college style N as well as the Charles River U for about 10 races in the second round robin. Races were officiated by PRO and MIT Sailing Master Fran Charles with help from Joe Zambella in very miserable conditions. MIT Sailing volunteers Aimee Beasley, Toan Tran-Phu, and Dayan Paez also contributed from ashore.

Races were sailed with limited umpiring and 3 minute justice. Umpires Peter Johns, Kerry Sullivan, Sue Epstein, and Andrew Sommer bserved/umpired on the water and heard 7 protests ashore.

Finishes, rotations, and scoring were administered by the MIT "A Team" of Ellen Pratt, Sue Ostrowski, and Eric Gibber. MIT Sailing Staff Wally Corwin, Samantha Lewenberg and Conan Hom kept motorboats and sailboats in good working order throughout the day.

Many thanks to our volunteers who contributed their time in the cold temps and rain.

Congrats to Yale, Roger Williams, St. Mary's, and Brown who will sail Sunday at MIT. MIT, Bowdoin, Salve Regina, and Dartmouth will sail at Tufts.

News from Tufts portion is that Boston College, Tufts, Harvard, Charleston will sail at MIT. Boston University, Coast Guard, and U. Rhode Island will stay at Tufts.

Sunday: FINAL Results

  First RR Second RR Third RR Total Place
BC 7 6 2 15 1
Roger Williams 5 4 6 15 2
Yale 5 4 2 11 3
St. Mary's 3 6 2 11 4
Brown 3 5 8 5
Tufts 2 1 3 6
Charleston 2 1 3 7
Harvard 1 1 2 8

Sunday: Tie Breaker

Tie Breaker: Winner:
BC vs Roger Wiliams Boston College
St. Marys vs. Yale Yale

Sunday: 3rd Round Robin

  BC Yale RW St Mary's Wins
BC   W L L 1
Yale L   L W 1
RW W W   W 3
St Mary's W L L   1

Saturday Results

  First RR Second RR Total
Yale 6 5 11
Roger Williams 6 4 10
St. Mary's 4 6 10
Brown 4 5 9
MIT 1 4 5
Bowdoin 3 1 4
Salve Regina 3 1 4
Dartmouth 1 2 3

Saturday: 2nd Round Robin

  Bowdoin Brown Dartmouth MIT Roger Williams Salve Regina St. Mary's Yale Wins
Bowdoin   L L L L W L L 1
Brown W   W L W W L W 5
Dartmouth W L   L L W L L 2
MIT W W W   L L W L 4
Roger Williams W L W W   W L L 4
Salve Regina L L L W L   L L 1
St. Mary's W W W L W W   W 6
Yale W L W W W W L   5

Saturday: 1st Round Robin

  Bowdoin Brown Dartmouth MIT Roger Williams Salve Regina St. Mary's Yale Wins
Bowdoin   W W W L L L L 3
Brown L   W W L W W L 4
Dartmouth L L   L L L W L 1
MIT L L W   L L L L 1
Roger Williams W W W W   W W L 6
Salve Regina W L W W L   L L 3
St. Mary's W L L W L W   W 4
Yale W W W W W W L   6

RP Info

Team Skippers Races Sailed Crew Races Sailed
Brown Fred Strommer '11   Maria Mahler-Haug '09  
  Jeff Knowles '10   Sally Evans '11  
  Will Brown '10   Theresa O'Neil '10  
Bowdoin Viktor Boimgren '11   Audrey Harch '10  
  Alex Takata '12   Erin Taylor  
  Deia Cole '09   Coco Sprague '11  
      Charlotte Ryan '12  
Dartmouth Colin Tresoler '09 5- Anne Megangel '09 1-
  Ed Jude Glocken '11 1-4, 8-9 Rachel Moncton '12 1-
  Matt Cohen '10 1-7, 10- Steph Gagnon '10 1-
  Sam Williams '12 1- Peter Hughes '11  
MIT Brooks Reed '09   Karlen Ruleman '09  
  Josh Leighton '10   Vicki Lee '10  
  Eamon Glackin '12   Leigh Casadaban '10  
  Phil Crain '12   Steph Tong '12  
Roger Williams Cyros Thompson '11   Kayltin Hall '09  
  Matt Duggan '09   Kelly Gorman '09  
  Jon Enright '10   Maria Petrillo '09  
Salve Regina Peter Pellegrini '12 ALL Lauren Cotta '10 ALL
  Torey Pellegrini '10 ALL Mike Rush '10 ALL
  Patrick Clancy '10 ALL Kelly Jordan '09 ALL
St. Mary's Jeremy Wilmot '10   Abby Rowlands '10  
  Ben Whitman '11   Kiesha Pearson '09  
  Derick Vranizan '09   Meridith Powlison '11  
Yale Thomas Barrows '10   Adriana Levin '09  
  Cam Callman '12   Grace Becton '09  
  Joe Morris '12   Marla Menninger '10  
  John Kempton '10   Mike Hession '10  



Too windy. Racing postponed for one hour as winds were gusting to 30 knots early. Winds died down to an average of 18 and racing got underway just before noon. Wind gusts, however, continued strong causing equipment failures and capsizing. Racing was ended after five races were completed. Results of the Friis trophy revert back to the day one results. Congratulations to Boston College for winning the 2009 Friis trophy.

Day one results:

The day began poorly for the College of Charleston team. Their delayed flight Friday night wasn't going to make the connection so they had to get up at 4 a.m. and still had trouble with flights not arriving in Boston until after noon when the rain arrived.

Winds were perfect, straight down the lake from the NNE at 10-15. The weather, on the other hand, left much to be desired with cold rain. Coaches and spectators were treated to elevated and indoor viewing above the leeward mark from the MBC lounge.

Round one had six teams sail 15 races with BC sweeping. After lunch at the warm and spacious Medford Boat Club, a 21-race round two was sailed. BC looked to be perfect again but lost a protest to BU.

Round Three was Charleston against each of the other six teams without a break for C of C. After losing their first to BC, the Cougars swept the other five with a series of 2-3-4's.

1. Boston College 11-1
2. Tufts 9-3
3. Harvard 8-4
4. Charleston 7-5

5. Boston University 5-7
6. Rhode Island 2-10
7. Coast Guard 0-12

The top four go on to sail in the Lynne Marchiando Trophy at MIT. The bottom three compete for the Friis Trophy at Tufts.

BC: Skippers: Parker Dwyer'09, Tyler Sinks'11, Taylor Canfield'11
Crews: Andrew Schneider'09, Allie Nagle'09, Lauren Gillooly'09

Tufts: Skippers: Tomas Hornos'10, Baker Potts'09, Andrew Criezis'10
Crews: Lara Hwa'09 (11 races), Christina Kelly'09 (11 races), Jennifer Watkins'10 (all), Dan Hurwit'09 (1 race), Rob Dellsy'09 (1 race)

Harvard: Alan Palmer'11, Jon Garrity'09, John Stokes'11, Ted Himler'11
Crews: Lauren Brants'09, Grace Charles'11, Michelle Konstadt'10, Quincy Bock'11, Winston Yan'10

Charleston: Zeke Horowitz'12, Alex Bertrand'12, Steven Barbano'12
Crews: Perry Emsiek'12, Katie Weaver'10, Sarah Burks'12

BU: Skippers: Max Bent'10, Ben Spiller'09, Billy Martin'10
Crews: Matt Johnson'12, Sarah Donohue'09, Alie Bittl'10

Rhode Island: Will Whitman'09, Chris DeCollibus'09, Josh Greenfield'09
Brian Bartley'09, Nick Dorbniak'09, Lisa Costich'10, Carolyn Chaikin'10

Coast Guard: Skippers: Sam Ingham'11, Jon Duffett,11, Ian Oviat'10
Crews: Chris Grube'10, Tanya Cuprah'11, Cezar Gomez'10

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46