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Description | Registration | Entries

Introduction to the Laser

Sun 21-Jul-201315:00-18:00
Registration End:21-July-2013 at midnight


NOTE: Class limit 6 people, pre-registration mandatory, you must be a MITNA member with a Provisional Rating!

Sailing a LaserThe first class was a great success, so we'll have nother one this summer. The class will be about two hours long and concentrate on rigging the laser and general boat handling.

You must have a provisional rating in order to join this class, no exceptions. The Laser is a tough boat to handle, it flips very easily, and you do not have as many indicators as a Tech Dinghy. Therefore, you will be expected to be fully proficient with:

  • Using the tiller extension.
  • Good tacking and jibing technique.
  • Perfect understanding of going updwind and downwind.
  • Know the major parts of the rig: main sheet, downhaul, outhaul, boom bang.
  • Be proficient at sail trim going upwind and downwind.
  • Be very conformtable getting wet: its practically guaranteed that you will go swimming during this class!

Regardless of wind conditions the class will start at 11:00am with the rigging and general boat handling demo. As much as possible the students will go out, two at a time, on the laser. Note that we only have two lasers available for the class, so we'll have to "share" the boats during the class. The most fun sailing the Laser is with 12-16 knots (or more), so if the winds are low we might arrange for a second part of the class with higher winds (but that's optional).

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Eric Gibber, Dock Master, Hugh Dougherty

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46