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Description | Registration | Entries

Mashnee Delivery

Wed 27-Apr-202208:00-16:30
Registration Start: 25-April-2022 at 00:00
Registration End:02-May-2022 at midnight


We will be delivering Mashnee from Salem to the MIT sailing pavilion this Wednesday.

The current plan is to take the 8:30 AM train from North Station to Salem, Uber from the train station to Dion's Marina, and then motor south. We will transit the Charles River locks and proceed to MIT. There will be no sailing during this trip.

As the mast will be in cradles on deck I expect the boat to be rolling quite a bit more than normal, and for the mast to be in the way of passing from side to side. In other words, on this trip fun is optional. We should be at MIT by 4 PM.

We are looking for 2 or three experienced filks to help with the driving, and getting through the locks and docking.

Please let us know if you have any questions. 


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): SCOTT DYNES, ZACHARY BERZOLLA

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46