Description | Registration | Entries

Celestial Navigation for Beginners

Fri 14-Aug-201517:30-21:00
Registration Start: 11-August-2015 at 00:00
Registration End:18-August-2015 at midnight


We will meet at the Boston Waterboat Marina and set sail for a clear horizon line. At nautical twilight we will use modern technology to identify navigation stars. Please download a star map to your smartphone to try out. We will then measure the positions of the celestial bodies with a traditional sextant, and estimate our position using a computer to do the reductions. We will have one computer, and there are many free apps available. Please download one so we can test it. We will compare our accuracy with the GPS, and try to determine the best set of apps to streamline the process. This is a pilot program. Sailors of all levels are invited to attend, but please come with an open mind as we work with some new technology. In the event of cloudy skies, the program will be skills training that fits the ship's company


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): J ADAM TRAINA

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46