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Description | Results

Midweek Tech Invitational 2 @ MIT

Thu 29-Apr-201016:00-19:30


Sailing Master Fran Charles ran 7 Races in 20-35 knots from the North.
Racing was held in Techs with storm sails on the no gybe butterfly course.
Thanks to MIT Sailing Coach Matt Cohen, MITNA officer Jeff Dusek, Brandeis Coach Tom Robinson, and Wellesley Coach Derek Mess for manning the safety crafts.

Congratulations to UCONN for winning the event, scores attached in word.


  D.12345678910 TOT
1UCONN 2-Jon Beery '10, Michael Burnes '12ADNF211211    27
   19212223252627    27
2Tufts 2 Matt Russel '13, Mariel Marchand '13A3552527    29
   381315202229    29
3MIT 2Tevis Nichols '12, Hannah Sparkman '12A6775364    38
   6132025283438    38
4MIT 5-Charlie Field '10, Jillian Reddy '11A113RDGBKD852    41
   11142026343941    41
*5MIT 6-Steven Drapcho '13, Leigh Casadaban '10ADNF463146    43
   19232932333743    43
*6Tufts 1-Jamie Altreuter '11, Marissa Gallerani '13A21247639    43
   2141825313443    43
7Brown 2-Cecilia Strombeck '11, Emily Dellenbaugh '12A4834121415    60
   4121519314560    60
8MIT 4-Neil Forrester '12, Eben Freeman '13A5148111195    63
   5192738495863    63
9Brown 1-Margot Elmalen '12, Elizabeth Barry '11A8916671011    67
   8173339465667    67
10Wellesley-Babson-Mike Zuleas '11, Mark Bollman '10A101091091112    71
   10202939485971    71
11Bu 1-Alex Bancalari '13, Samantha Sawan '13A71312131488    75
   7203245596775    75
12MIT 3-Mark Van de Loo '13, Erik Verlage '11A917111441510    80
   9263751557080    80
13Wellesley-Christina Smith '11, Ann Walt Stallings '12ADNF1613910133    83
   19354857678083    83
14UCONN-Sean Andrew '11, Marta Chlus '13A12628DNFDNFDNS    85
   12182028476685    85
15MIT 1Toan Tran-Phu '10, Claire Derosa '11A1110DNSDNSDNSDNS    88
   121231506988    88
a16Brandeis 2-Meghan Breslin-Jewer '11, Katherine Kolios '12ADNF15151513713    97
   19344964778497    97
a17Brandeis-Josh Basseches '12, Forrest Hardy '13ADNF111412151214    97
   19304456718397    97
18Babson-Jeff Croteau '10, Zach Breed'13ADNF1817DNFDNFDNFDNS    130
   1937547392111130    130

Tiebreaking legend
* Head-to-head tiebreaker
a More high-place finishes (7)

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46