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Description | Registration | Entries

Cancelled Harbor Sail

Mon 15-Jul-202417:30-21:00
Registration Start: 09-July-2024 at 00:00
Registration End:16-July-2024 at midnight


Cancelled due to storm uncertainty



We will be sailing in Boston Harbor on the evening of Monday July 15. Plan to meet at Waterboat Marina at 5:30 pm. Myself or someone will let you in the gate. Please be on time and allow for ample time for your commute to the marina. It is not recommended to take an Uber or taxi at this time of day. 


I will be selecting 6 crew for this trip. Priority will be given to those with active sailing cards. Crew selection will be based on the needs of the boat and not in the order of sign up. Crew will be expected to come with appropriate clothing and a pair of dedicated boat shoes. These shoes are not to have been worn in the streets. Barefeet will not be allowed. I will send a follow up email to the selected crew to update everyone on weather and sail plan. 

Lastly, please plan on bringing something to eat and drink. There is no drinkable water aboard Mashnee. Some sailors find that sailing gloves and a headlamp are helpful. The headlamp will help since it will be dark during the cleanup phase.

Directions to Waterboat Marina can be found on the Bluewater sailing page. 

Please include your phone number in the registration for ease of communication.





Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): RYAN CONWAY

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46