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Description | Results

Annual MITNA Meeting

Mon 13-Mar-202317:00-19:00


MITNA Meeting Notes 3/13/23

Meeting commenced at 17:06 3/13/23

Held in the Wood Sailing Pavilion

Commodore - Grace mao

Vice Commodore - Sam Bruce

Secretary - Samantha Karlson

Treasurer - Julius Heitkoetter


Bluewater report on Mashnee

  1. Plans for 2023 calendar
    1. There will be both racing and cruising
    2. More regular racing this year
    3. Wednesday night racing in Boston harbor - welcome sailors of all levels
    4. Larger presence in mass bay sailing in this summer, weekend race between hingham and marblehead - 2 coastal overnight distance races
    5. Traveling to Buzzards Bay, Woods Hole, and Marthas Vineyard for Vineyard Cup July 7-9
      1. This replaces the normal Maine trip
    6. Several other sailing opportunities each week hosted by skippers
    7. 2 new skippers from end of last season leading to increased number of skippers
  2. Planning to have many training opportunities this summer for newer sailors to work on basic skills and blue water crew rating, there will be one night a week dedicated to learning the boat
  3. Proposal for trip to Bristol RI to Herreshoff museum 
    1. puts Mashnee in context(similar to MIT museum)
    2. There was a previous trip with Fran Charles and Matt Lindblad with a good tour
    3. Back then things were designed by eye and thus revolutionized boat building leading to America’s Cup boats
    4. The museum will assign a docent notified ahead of time

4.  New electronics

  1. There are many new electronics and a professional installer
    1. New chart plotter, all the best software
    2. Will no longer be late to starting line due to electronics anymore and will keep the boat off the rocks
    3. centerboard now goes down and up, through dealing with buoyancy problem on centerboard(it no longer floats, added 25lbs lead near tip) and the centerboard uphill line is no longer jamming in keel box(removed portion of centerboard, now will go better upwind with fully down), there are also new flaps on the centerboard box like the FJs and Techs


Reports from John Pratt/Zach Shapiro on racing

  1. Tech racing
    1. Fairly successful year for first year back 
    2. 103 sailors, 160 races
    3. Attendance was down slightly due to bad winds, but no other issues
    4. spring series had 28 races, summer series had 101 races, fall series had 31 races

2. Team racing

  1. Attendance was low following covid 
  2. 12 boats a session
  3. Sailors included college sailors from other schools
  4. Started earlier last year in the 2nd week of May, which mostly consisted of MIT sailors through May
    1. This will be continuing this year
  5. First fall series for team racing 
    1.  graduated MIT sailors were asking to continue through September 
    2. 3 teams a session, 10-12 boats
  6. CRO
    1. 16 teams attended
    2. typically there is 18-24 teams, however the pandemic decreased attendance 
    3. It is necessary to remind people about the event
    4. This year the dates are June 10th-11th
  7. This year 
    1. The intent is to start early, gauge September race interest, and increase attendance


Report by Eric Gibber/ Hannah Agate on Learn to Sail

  1. Volunteers
    1. Volunteer amount is returning to normal after COVID, allowing for more sailing programs, leading to a very successful restart
    2. Thank you to volunteers
    3. Encourage people interested in teaching or who want to become more familiar with sailing to come to the Pavilion
    4. Full fleet of new Techs, rigging aided by volunteers, and the campus was interested in the new boats
    5. 38 total classes for basic learn to sail, mostly Sundays and midweek
      1. 750 people taking basic classes
      2. 1800 signed up on priority sheet showing interest for the class
        1. Ways to accommodate those unable to get into learn to sail include; having more people out for a sail day, which would operate similar to moonlight sails
      3. Many people came back with provisionals
    6. Had some advanced classes 
      1. 27 Lynx Catboat classes, which led to over 80 people getting Lynx Catboat certified
      2. 6 420 classes
      3. 6 laser classes
      4. 1 FJ class using the old FJs for the last time
      5. Others learned the moth, UFO, etc.
      6. Hope to do a lot more this year
    7. People want to take sailing classes because they want to bring friends/family, or moonlight sails 
      1. Looking for volunteers to teach one of their own catboat classes, they don’t need to know how to use a motorboat or they can also come down to support
    8. Next moonlight sail is April 7th


Report on Windsurfing - Stew Craig

  1. Started classes in June last year, continued regularly in June-August
  2. no water quality issues this year(algae blooms) due to the drought
  3. new beginner boards for a range of sizes planning to expand to add wing foils(inflatable wing to be held)
  4. Yitian Zhu- had been going regularly since August, very content with the program 


Report on foiling boats - Stew Craig

  1. Waszp - replacing moth
    1. The 2012 foiling moth hasn’t gotten on water at all and was broken with leakage
    2. Switched out for a new to us waspz(used 2-3 times, built similar to moth, but more user friendly(the parts are harder to break)
    3. Located in buffalo, New York, looking for someone to drive it down, the snow may melt by June
      1. The box is 14ft(will fit on a pick up truck angled down into bay or on roof racks)
      2. DAPER/Pavilion could send sailors, there is a chance for flying out and doing a one way rental

2. UFO

  1. There was a few classes in it
  2. Trading it in for newer model, which will arrive by April 1st and has lots of improvements in boat design


Report by Stew Craig

  1. 100 rentals last year including parties on roof or dock made 70,000$
    1. 2021 only had 40 events and there were none in 2020
    2. 100 events in 2019 that made 60,000$
    3. This year there are larger parties and they are going longer
      1. There is a party reserved for seniors and it is booked for graduation weekend
  2. dock staff 
    1. 25 people working, many part time
    2. Many thanks to Carter Brock, Hannah Agate, and Shelli Orzach for working full time last summer


Report by Sailing Master Fran Charles

  1. Matt Lindblad is the 5th Sailing master
  2. Overall it the people that make the program as everyone gives back
  3. only college with program like this


Report on MITNA website (Matt Wall/ Scott/ Matt L)

  1. Website update timeline
    1. Reevaluate website in early December
    2. Goals: make more user friendly for staff and volunteers, lots of questions about how to do project and how extensive and if full scrap needed
      1. website currently very functional for how we use it
    3. Met every week for the last 2-3 months
    4. Lots of functionality that can be kept, however there are new and more modern tech and content management systems for staff and volunteers to edit pages and better presentation for vibrancy
    5. Next phase is other potential uses or ideas for other things possible(crew finder, volunteer intake process)
    6. There will be an idea phase shortly for those who use the website frequently
      1. There will be a period to decide on the direction for the new website for those who want to be involved
    7. Website has evolved over 15-20 years and there is a desire to preserve the current one
    8. There will be no changes until next winter offseason 
      1. It can be tested during off season and may potentially be ready for next April


Report by sailing team captains(Grace Mao)

  1. The women’s team
    1. Performed really well last season
    2. graduated a lot of seniors
    3. won the ACC qualifiers
    4. always top 5, currently ranked 7th in nation
    5. overall team doing pretty well it is of a good size and dedication
  2. The Coed team 
    1. Performed really well last season
    2. graduated a lot of seniors
    3. There are many Freshman with potential along with impressive Juniors and Sophomores
    4. made fleet race nationals last year(almost made finals)
    5. didn’t make team race nationals last year
    6. hoping to make both nationals this year
  3. Current updates
    1. 2 weekends of racing so far this year
    2. The women’s team won the Franny Charles team race regatta
    3. The Coed team got 3/10 at wood trophy


Report by the Commodore - Grace Mao

  1. It is nice to see the Pavilion fully running similar to her Freshmen year
  2. There has been lots of learning and an overall great job all around



  1. Commodore
    1. Nominations: Maks Groom
    2. Unopposed - elected Maks Groom
  2. Vice commodore
    1. Nominations:  Lucas Escandon
    2. Unopposed - elected Lucas Escandon
  3. Secretary
    1. Nominations:  Samantha Karlson
    2. Unopposed - elected Samantha Karlson
  4. Treasurer
    1. Nominations:  Gavin West
    2. Unopposed - elected Gavin West
  5. Members at Large
    1. Nominations: Yitian Zhu, Hannah Agate, Cassiano, Lucy Brock, Abby VanLonkhuyzen 
    2. Unopposed - elected Yitian Zhu, Hannah Agate, Cassiano, Lucy Brock, Abby VanLonkhuyzen
  6. Fleet Race Chair
    1. Nominations: John Pratt
    2. Unopposed - elected John Pratt
  7. Team Race Chair
    1. Nominations: Zach Shapiro
    2. Unopposed - elected Zach Shapiro
  8. Nominations for the Hatch Brown Service Award for 2022.
    1. Nominations: Franny Charles
    2. Unopposed - given to Franny Charles

No final questions

Meeting adjourned 17:49 3/13/23


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): MITNA Exec

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46