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Description | Results

67th Erwin Schell Trophy at MIT in FJs and Techs

Sat 27-Oct-200709:30-16:30
Sun 28-Oct-200709:30-16:30



On Saturday a southerly breeze filled as the rain ended at 8-10 knots and it built to about 14 knots in the final set. A Division started in techs and B Division raced FJs until Race 11. Sunday brought a fresh and chilly WNW breeze at 10-15 knots.

Rip Hale, Lisa Keith and JM Modisset volunteered to judge on Saturday. Drew Buttner and Carl Zimba were on hand for Sunday justice but there were no protests filed. Eric Gibber, Alvar Saenz-Otero, Ellen Pratt and Fran Charles were on RC and scoring. Wally Corwin and Conan Hom assisted on Dock Staff.

Both fleets of boats were equipped with GPS tracking devices provided by Kattack Performance Applications. Please go directly to the site to download the racing action. Schools with an asterisk had previously qualified for the ACCs at Eckerd in 2 weekends. MIT, Harvard and Roger Williams won the final three NEISA berths.

Congrats to the entire MIT Beaver Sailing Team who won the Unofficial Fall New England Championship for the first time in 27 years.

A division = 18 Races
B division = 18 Races

1. MIT 109 121 230
2. Yale University * 116 121 237
3. Harvard University 92 169 261
4. Boston College * 131 138 269
5. Tufts University * 120 164 284
6. Roger Williams Univ 180 122 302
7. Hobart and Wm Smith 180 131 311
8. Dartmouth College 156 176 332
9. Bowdoin College 170 169 339
10. Brown University * 175 169 344
11. Boston University 201 157 358
12. Univ Vermont 225 136 361
13. US Naval Academy 193 181 374
14. US Coast Guard Acad 172 213 385
15. Univ Rhode Island 183 220 403
16. Salve Regina Univ 212 211 423
17. Conn College 229 200 429
18. Bates College 235 281 516

A division = 18 Races
1. Harvard University 92 Kyle Kovacs 08
Elyse Dolbec 08
2. MIT 109 Jack Field 08
Julie Arsenault 08
3. Yale University * 116 Zach Brown 08
Grace Becton 09
4. Tufts University * 120 Michael Easton 08
Katie Greenlee 08
5. Boston College * 131 Adam Roberts 09
Carrie Amarante 09
6. Dartmouth College 156 Ben Sampson 08
Betsy Bryant 08
7. Bowdoin College 170 Mark Dinneen 08
Kelly Pitts 08
8. US Coast Guard Acad 172 Noel Shriner 08
Kirstin Haas 10 1-12 / Abbey Lafond 13-18
9. Brown University * 175 Charles Enright 08
Malay Khamsyvoravong 09
10. Hobart and Wm Smith 180 James Landi 08
Laura Golson 08 1-14 Hunter Farris 08 14-18
11. Roger Williams Univ 180 Andrew Goetting 08
Kaitlin Hall 09
12. Univ Rhode Island 183 Craig Thompson 08
Lisa Costich 10
13. US Naval Academy 193 Robert Vann 11
Trisha Kutkiewicz 09
14. Boston University 201 Bobby Martin 08
Erin Kilcline 08
15. Salve Regina Univ 212 Mike Komar 08 1-4,7-18 Fred Cudmore 09 5-6
Cassie Martin 08 1-14 Kelly Jordan 09 15-18
16. Univ Vermont 225 Clinton Hayes 10 1-10,13-18/Matt Clark 08 11-12
Molly Doyle 09 1-10,13-18/Margie Burton 10 11-12
17. Conn College 229 David Meleney 08 1-4,8-14 K Will 07.5 5-7,15-18
David Marshall 09 1-4,7-14 E Lawson 08 5-6,15-18
18. Bates College 235 Nate Merrill 08
Sarah Hoyt 08

B division = 18 Races
1. MIT 121 Brooks Reed 09
Ellie Hass 10 1-8 Karlen Ruleman 09 9-18
2. Yale University * 121 Thomas Barrows 10
Abigail Coplin 08
3. Roger Williams Univ 122 Matthew Duggan 09
Mariah Petrillo 09
4. Hobart and Wm Smith 131 John Moulthrop 10
Marja Trainor 10
5. Univ Vermont 136 Tyler Baeder 09
Christine Bletzer 09
6. Boston College * 138 Parker Dwyer 09 1-8 Tyler Sinks 11 9-18
Allie Nagle 09 1-8 Lauren Gillooly 09 9-18
7. Boston University 157 Billy Martin 10
Sarah Donahue 09
8. Tufts University * 164 Baker Potts 09 1-12 Tomas Hornos 10 13-18
Meredith Ginley 08 1-12 Lara Hwa 09 13-18
9. Bowdoin College 169 S MacNeil 08 1-2,5-10,13-18Bolmgren 11 3-4,11-12
C Williams 10 1-2,5-10,13-18 M Pile 08 3-4,11-12
10. Brown University * 169 Matt Amarante 08
Will Turnbull 08
11. Harvard University 169 Jon Garrity 09 1-12 Drew Robb 10 13-18
Kerry Anne Bradford 09 1-12 M Konstadt 10 13-18
12. Dartmouth College 176 Luke Hathaway 08
Sarah Freihofer 10
13. US Naval Academy 181 Charlotte Hill 08
Kristen Sproat 08
14. Conn College 200 Bob Willis 09
Liz Pollock 11 1-14 Kelly Arabia 10 15-18
15. Salve Regina Univ 211 Torey Pellegrini 10 1-4,9-16 Kirby 11 5-8,17-18
Dart09 1-4,9-12,14-16Jordan09 5-8Grygiel 10 13 Pellegrini 10 17-18
16. US Coast Guard Acad 213 Kevin Kuhn 08 1-6,11-18 Adam Frye 08 7-10
Jenn Hom 09 1-8,11-18 Jason Hill 08 9-10
17. Univ Rhode Island 220 Alex Baitinger 10 1-6,11-18 C DeCollibus 09 7-10
Brian Bartley 09 1-6,11-18 C Chasken 10 7-10
18. Bates College 281 Carolyn Nye 09 1-8,13-14 J Beaty 08 9-12,15-18
Kristen Moreau 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOT
MIT A 18 6 17 4 5 7 6 4 1 2 8 3 5 1 2 8 3 9 109
Beavers B 3 1 4 9 5 7 7 2 10 1 9 9 13 8 5 9 4 15 121
21 28 49 62 72 86 99 105 116 119 136 148 166 175 182 199 206 230 230

Yale University * A 1 3 8 11 4 8 13 14 5 7 9 6 4 2 1 9 7 4 116
Elis B 2 8 2 5 9 9 2 17 12 5 1 5 4 11 15 6 6 2 121
3 14 24 40 53 70 85 116 133 145 155 166 174 187 203 218 231 237 237

Harvard University A 8 2 2 3 3 1 3 13 9 6 1 1 1 12 10 1 5 11 92
Crimson B 17 11 12 8 1 5 10 5 3 15 18 17 6 3 3 17 9 9 169
25 38 52 63 67 73 86 104 116 137 156 174 181 196 209 227 241 261 261

Boston College * A 2 7 3 9 1 10 2 7 6 3 11 8 14 13 8 12 10 5 131
Eagles B 16 12 9 3 8 10 11 12 11 2 3 4 15 2 6 1 1 12 138
18 37 49 61 70 90 103 122 139 144 158 170 199 214 228 241 252 269 269

Tufts University * A 13 1 6 6 15 2 4 3 13 5 3 14 2 7 4 7 13 2 120
Jumbos B 11 9 7 13 14 18 4 8 1 4 15 14 3 17 2 3 3 18 164
24 34 47 66 95 115 123 134 148 157 175 203 208 232 238 248 264 284 284

Roger Williams Univ A 3 17 13 7 7 12 17 2 10 8 7 15 16 3 7 11 15 10 180
Hawks B 7 14 15 2 3 1 3 11 16 3 5 1 8 5 1 14 2 11 122
10 41 69 78 88 101 121 134 160 171 183 199 223 231 239 264 281 302 302

Hobart and Wm Smith A 4 13 9 2 2 13 7 18 8 12 15 16 7 15 11 16 4 8 180
Staesmen B 10 2 5 10 11 8 6 6 13 9 8 11 7 1 7 4 8 5 131
14 29 43 55 68 89 102 126 147 168 191 218 232 248 266 286 298 311 311

Dartmouth College A 14 12 14 1 8 11 11 11 12 4 18 5 10 4 16 3 1 1 156
Big Green B 12 15 11 7 10 15 9 16 4 10 17 3 12 6 4 12 12 1 176
26 53 78 86 104 130 150 177 193 207 242 250 272 282 302 317 330 332 332

Bowdoin College A 17 9 7 14 13 16 5 10 18 14 2 7 9 5 3 13 2 6 170
Polar Bears B 1 10 17 18 2 3 14 9 8 6 12 15 5 9 9 11 13 7 169
18 37 61 93 108 127 146 165 191 211 225 247 261 275 287 311 326 339 339

Brown University * A 6 5 1 17 14 14 16 6 3 1 5 11 8 8 9 17 DNF 15 175
Bears B 9 5 3 15 13 13 5 1 5 8 14 18 2 18 12 2 18 8 169
15 25 29 61 88 115 136 143 151 160 179 208 218 244 265 284 321 344 344

Boston University A 16 4 12 8 18 4 1 9 11 9 10 17 15 14 18 2 16 17 201
Terriers B 8 3 14 4 15 6 12 14 7 7 4 8 10 15 8 5 11 6 157
24 31 57 69 102 112 125 148 166 182 196 221 246 275 301 308 335 358 358

Univ Vermont A 5 16 4 18 17 9 15 5 14 18 16 18 18 9 5 15 11 12 225
Catamounts B 5 4 1 17 6 4 1 3 2 16 10 7 11 4 14 13 14 4 136
10 30 35 70 93 106 122 130 146 180 206 231 260 273 292 320 345 361 361

US Naval Academy A 9 18 5 5 11 6 14 12 15 16 14 12 3 10 13 6 6 18 193
Midshipmen B 13 7 10 1 4 11 8 7 6 13 13 12 9 12 16 18 5 16 181
22 47 62 68 83 100 122 141 162 191 218 242 254 276 305 329 340 374 374

US Coast Guard Acad A 11 8 15 15 6 5 10 8 2 10 17 13 6 11 14 10 8 3 172
Bears B 15 13 8 6 18 17 16 13 17 11 2 6 1 16 17 7 17 13 213
26 47 70 91 115 137 163 184 203 224 243 262 269 296 327 344 369 385 385

Univ Rhode Island A 15 14 11 10 10 17 12 17 4 15 4 4 11 6 12 5 9 7 183
Rams B 14 17 6 16 7 12 RAF 15 15 17 11 2 16 14 11 8 10 10 220
29 60 77 103 120 149 180 212 231 263 278 284 311 331 354 367 386 403 403

Salve Regina Univ A 10 15 18 16 16 18 9 1 7 13 6 9 12 17 15 4 12 14 212
Seahawks B 6 18 13 12 12 16 13 18 14 12 7 13 14 7 10 16 7 3 211
16 49 80 108 136 170 192 211 232 257 270 292 318 342 367 387 406 423 423

Conn College A 12 11 16 12 12 15 18 16 16 11 12 2 13 16 6 14 14 13 229
Camels B 4 6 16 11 17 2 15 4 9 14 6 10 18 10 13 15 16 14 200
16 33 65 88 117 134 167 187 212 237 255 267 298 324 343 372 402 429 429

Bates College A 7 10 10 13 9 3 8 15 17 17 13 10 17 18 17 18 17 16 235
Bobcats B 18 16 18 14 16 14 17 10 18 18 16 16 17 13 18 10 15 17 281
25 51 79 106 131 148 173 198 233 268 297 323 357 388 423 451 483 516 516

Jack Field 08
Julie Arsenault 08
Brooks Reed 09
Ellie Hass 10 1-8 Karlen Ruleman 09 9-18

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad, Matthew Cohen

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46