Annual MITNA Meeting
Mon 27-Nov-2017 | 18:00-19:30 |
11/27/2017 MITNA Meeting Notes
- Sailing team is great
- good job dockstaff
- excited, but not too excited
- Racing
- Full season of advanced racing in techs
- Mondays/Tuesdays
- Several hundred people
- Ran out of techs
- “Need more techs”
- Team racing during the summer
- 16 teams
- Ran well
- Everyone on the water at the same time
- 21 races per team
- Brass Rat
- Would like to see more young people participate
- Given up on Thursday intermediate racing
- Learn to race - 8 or 9 classes, someone showed up to every class
- Enthusiastic group
- Bluewater
- X-Dim decommissioned
- Fran up in Vermont checking out next potential bluewater boat
- Fave: classic wooden boat
- 30’ ft at waterline
- LOA 50’, deck 45’
- $1M in renovations
- Sailing classes
- Total of 15 Sunday classes
- 350 Students
- 354 students in midweek classes
- Smaller classes, more focus on commitment to coming to all midweek classes
- Consecutive days vs three Wednesdays in a row helped a great deal
- Almost 6 straight months of classes
- Lynx
- May to Nov
- 19 classes, 70 people
- Firefly
- 9 classes, 39 people
- Lasers
- 16 classes, 50 people
- 420s
- 4 classes, 21 people
- Windsurfing
- 8 classes, 54 people
- Algae bloom
- Good motorboat availability per class
- Wally won’t repair sails after certain point, need new beginner sails
- Moonlight sail every month we were open
- 100+ at most
- Biggest was 275 people in 6 catboats
- “Good season”
- Replacing rails
- First full moon of next year falls on opening weekend
- Elections
- Commodore - Trevor Long
- Vice Commodore - Annie Hughes
- Treasurer - Tiffany Xi
- Secretary - Emily Haig
- RC - John Pratt
- Team Race Chair – David Larson
- Members at Large - Hanna Vincent, Eric Gibber, Alex Bost, Alpha Sanneh, Nathan Volchko
- Hatch Brown Service Award
- Nominations
- Gary Lifton
- Bruce Porter
- Mark Throop
- All won, good job
Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): MITNA Exec