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Description | Registration | Entries

Intro to the 420: Rig and Sail

Tue 13-Aug-202417:00-19:00
Registration Start: 09-August-2024 at 00:00
Registration End:13-August-2024 at midnight


Introduction to Rigging and Sailing the 420.

NOTE: Class is limited to 6 people, and Provisional Rating is mandatory.

          You must be a MITNA member with an active Sailing Card.

          Dress for the likely possibility you will go swimming.

The class will be about 2+ hours long, and will cover:

  Rigging, unrigging, care of the boat, and basic 420 sailing

  Skippering with a crew, crewing for a skipper

  Proper sail trim and balance

  Tacks and gybes

  Maybe some capsize practice.

  You should have some experience using a tiller extension. If not, practice before the class!


We will pair people up - each pair will rig and sail a 420.

No videos yet, but can see them online at various websites! Note: we do not have the spinnaker and trapeze rigs you may see out there.


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): DANA HAIG, Hannah Agate, Eric Gibber

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46