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Description | Registration | Entries

Stories From Graves Light

Wed 23-Feb-202219:00-16:30
Registration Start: 16-February-2022 at 00:00
Registration End:23-February-2022 at midnight


Lynn and Dave Waller – Owners of Graves Lightstation


Join Dave and Lynn Waller for a lively presentation about Graves Lighthouse in Boston Harbor. The couple bought the dilapidated beacon at government auction in 2013 and have been restoring it ever since. Hear tales of shipwrecks, terrible Nor’Easters and German spies. The discussion will feature rare historic photos of the construction of the Light Station and a modern account of the Waller’s journey to make it inhabitable once again. A Q&A to follow featuring the question “why on earth did you buy a rusty old lighthouse in the middle of the ocean?”


The presentation will be given at Savin Hill Yacht Club at 7PM

Admission will include appetizers, a cash bar.


This event is free to CYC & SHYC members and their guests and is $10 for non-members.




Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): RYAN CONWAY

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46