Intro to Offshore Sailing
Mon 05-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Wed 07-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Mon 12-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Wed 14-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Mon 19-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Wed 21-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Mon 26-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Wed 28-Jan-2015 | 18:00-21:00 |
Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Attendance: Participants welcome at individual sessions
Prereq: None
Have you dreamed about chartering a cruising sailboat in some far-off location? Do you want to give offshore (bluewater) sailing a try? Even if you just want to be one of those annoying people who point out the 10 things that Robert Redford did wrong in “All is Lost”, this shore school is for you. This course is designed as an introduction to offshore cruising and racing for sailors. The seven lectures will cover the basic knowledge necessary for safe and efficient offshore sailing. There are no prerequisites for this course, but some previous sailing experience is desirable.
This course is excellent preparation for bluewater sailing aboard MIT's cruising boat "X Dimension".
Jan 05 Mon 06:00PM-09:00PM at the Sailing Pavilion
This class will be a general introduction to offshore sailing and an overview of the course material. The various forms of bluewater sailing will be discussed, including coastal cruising, offshore passagemaking, and ocean racing. MIT's bluewater sailing program aboard "X Dimension" will be described
Matt Wall - Bluewater Skipper
Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): BRETT BOVAL, MATTHEW WALL