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Description | Results

Smith Trophy @ MIT in Techs

Sat 03-Oct-200909:30-16:30
Sun 04-Oct-200909:30-16:30


The Professor Smith Trophy honors long time MIT Professor George Warren
Smith who taught electrical engineering, volunteered at countless collegiate
regattas and raced Star Boats into his 90's!

Saturday: Conditions were 4-8 Southeast with abundant liquid precipitation.  Many thanks to Dayan Paez and Toan Tran-Phu for scoring assistance.

Sunday: Sunday greeted us with light fog and no wind, but plenty of spectators
thanks to a breast cancer awareness walk.

Racing was canceled due to a severe lack of wind.

Results are linked here:

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46