Description | Results

Hatch Brown Trophy @ MIT/Boston Univ. in FJs (3 div.)

Sat 20-Sep-200809:30-16:30
Sun 21-Sep-200809:30-16:30


A light seabreeze had a tough time filling in over the city to get into the Charles River Basin. Courses were a windward, leeward windward with windward and leeward gates. Boston College is dominating with a 59 point lead after 9 races in A and B and 8 races in C.

A late light seabreeze came in from SE 3-6 around 2 PM, racing starting at 2:15. 4 C races and 3 A and B races were sailed. Congrats to BC for winning each division and overall by over 100 points!

Competitors had a chance to meet the legendary Hatch Brown who was on hand to greet the sailors. Greg Kielty, Carl Zimba, and Peter Johns were judging throughout the day. Greg Helias, Matt Knowles, Ben Spiller, Gordon Mack, Merri Varr, Matt Schmidt, and Harry Wehler were assisting PRO Franny Charles. Dayan Paez organized the many MIT team members who took turns helping out with scoring.

A division = 12 Races
B division = 12 Races
C division = 12 Races

                            A    B    C  TOT

 1. Boston College         37   62   56  155
 2. Yale University        86  102   69  257
 3. Boston University      98   80   88  266
 4. US Naval Academy       69   71  156  296
 5. St Mary's College MD   77  123   98  298
 6. Roger Williams Univ   123  121   60  304
 7. Conn College          137   67  106  310
 8. Harvard University    131   80  103  314
 9. MIT                   116   76  138  330
10. Univ of Rhode Island  139   96  105  340
11. US Coast Guard Acad   105  148  108  361
12. Brown University       93  154  124  371
13. Tufts University      116  147  110  373
14. Salve Regina Univ     144  116  130  390
15. Dartmouth College     135  131  147  413
16. Bowdoin College       123  169  161  453
17. Univ of Vermont       164  145  151  460
18. Univ of So Florida    160  165  144  469

           A division = 12 Races

 1. Boston College         37  Brian Kamilar '09
                               Briana Provancha 
 2. US Naval Academy       69  Robert Vann '11
                               Juaquina Soland '10
 3. St Mary's College MD   77  Jeremy Wilmot '10
                               Franny Kupersmith '11
 4. Yale University        86  Thomas Barrows '10
                               Blair Belling '11
 5. Brown University       93  Will Brown '10
                               Lucy Seyforth '10
 6. Boston University      98  Billy Martin '10
                               Sarah Donahue '09
 7. US Coast Guard Acad   105  Sam Ingham '11
                               Cezar Gomez '10
 8. Tufts University      116  Peter Bermudez '09
                               Jennifer Watkins '10
 9. MIT                   116  Brooks Reed '09
                               Ellie Hass '10
10. Bowdoin College       123  Viktor Bolmgren '11
                               Coco Sprague '11
11. Roger Williams Univ   123  Bjarki Gunnersson '10
                               Tyler Wilson '12
12. Harvard University    131  Drew Robb '10
                               Quincy Bock '11
13. Dartmouth College     135  Ben Bier '10
                               Steph Gagnon '10
14. Conn College          137  Charlie Modica '09
                               Sarah Shear '09
15. Univ of Rhode Island  139  Josh Greenfield '09 1-4, 11,12/Alex Baitinger '10 5-10
                               Lisa Costich '10 1-4, 11,12/Brian Bartley '09 5-10
16. Salve Regina Univ     144  Rome Kirby '11
                               Kelly Jordan '09
17. Univ of So Florida    160  Christopher Keimig '10
                               Julia Francoeur '12
18. Univ of Vermont       164  Steve Widdis '09
                               Charlotte Smith '09 6-12/Alyssa Maynard '11 1-5

                  B division = 12 Races

 1. Boston College         62  Taylor Canfield '11
                               Sandy Williams '10
 2. Conn College           67  Matt Sterett '10
                               Liz Pollock '11
 3. US Naval Academy       71  Tim Murphy '10
                               Caroline Lockett '12
 4. MIT                    76  Josh Leighton '10
                               Vicki Lee '10
 5. Harvard University     80  John Stokes '11
                               Michelle Konstadt '10
 6. Boston University      80  Max Bent '10
                               Alie Bittl '10
 7. Univ of Rhode Island   96  Will Whitman '09
                               Kelly Shea '11
 8. Yale University       102  Jane Macky '09
                               Marla Menninger '10
 9. Salve Regina Univ     116  Torey Pellegrini '10
                               Lauren Grygiel '10/Katie Cuddyer '09
10. Roger Williams Univ   121  Josh Saltmarsh '11
                               Jackie Roche '10
11. St Mary's College MD  123  Ben Whitman '11
                               Kelly Willair '10
12. Dartmouth College     131  Matty Cohen '10
                               Christina Clark '10
13. Univ of Vermont       145  Will Streklow '09
                               Brydon Mitchell '09 1-11/Margaret Stone '11 12
14. Tufts University      147  Dan Altreuter '09
                               Sara Carnahan '11
15. US Coast Guard Acad   148  Ian Oviatt '10
                               Margarett Woodbridge '10
16. Brown University      154  Liz Barry '11
                               Max Straus '11
17. Univ of So Florida    165  Matt Gardiner '11
                               Margaret Spears '12
18. Bowdoin College       169  Pete Wadden '09
                               Meredith Steck '09

                           C division = 12 Races

 1. Boston College         56  Parker Dwyer '09
                               Allie Nagle '09
 2. Roger Williams Univ    60  Sean Bouchard '12
                               Emily Reich '12
 3. Yale University        69  Joe Morris '12
                               Grace Becton '09
 4. Boston University      88  Janel Zarkowsky '09
                               Sarah Whalen '10
 5. St Mary's College MD   98  Mike Kuschner '10
                               Maddie Jackson '11
 6. Harvard University    103  Liz Powers '10
                               Grace Charles '11
 7. Univ of Rhode Island  105  Mike Warren '10
                               Missy Hudspeth '10
 8. Conn College          106  Mike Marshall '11
                               S Robertson '11 1-2/D Marshall '09 3-8/E Lawson '09 9-12
 9. US Coast Guard Acad   108  Jon Duffett '11
                               Tanya Cuprav '11
10. Tufts University      110  Nate Rosenberg '10
                               Meredith Groff '09
11. Brown University      124  Emily Dellenbaugh '12
                               Leslie Howitt '12
12. Salve Regina Univ     130  Peter Pellegrini '12
                               Lauren Cotta '10
13. MIT                   138  Philip Crain '12
                               Karlen Ruleman '09
14. Univ of So Florida    144  Justin Ahearn '11
                               Hillary Noble '09
15. Dartmouth College     147  Ed Jude Glackin IV '11
                               Sarah Freihofer '10
16. Univ of Vermont       151  Coleman Bowen '11
                               Laura Walsh-Rogalski
17. US Naval Academy      156  Mac Fletcher '09
                               Trisha Kutkiewicz '09
18. Bowdoin College       161  Alex Takata '12
                               Bill Rohman '11

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  TOT

Boston College       A   1   8   3   3   1   9   4   2   1   1   2   2   37
Eagles               B   9   1  14   1   8   1   6  12   1   4   1   4   62
                     C   1   1   2   3  12   1  10   6   9   7   1   3   56
                        11  21  40  47  68  79  99 119 130 142 146 155  155

Yale University      A   4   3  12   2   4  12   9   3  17   4   5  11   86
Bulldogs             B   8   6  10   4  11   4  10  11  11  18   8   1  102
                     C  14   7   1  10   1   6   2  12   2   8   4   2   69
                        26  42  65  81  97 119 140 166 196 226 243 257  257

Boston University    A  11   5   6   1  10  16   8   4   2  16  10   9   98
Terriers             B   1   7   5   2  13   5   8   6   8   5  13   7   80
                     C  18   4   8   1  10  11   9   1   5   2   5  14   88
                        30  46  65  69 102 134 159 170 185 208 236 266  266

US Naval Academy     A   2   1   4   6   3   1   1   6  10  18  11   6   69
Midshipmen           B   6  11   3   8   3   9   3   2   4   2  11   9   71
                     C  15   5  11  13  16  14  13  15  16  14  15   9  156
                        23  40  58  85 107 131 148 171 201 235 272 296  296

St Mary's College MD A   9   4   2  14  14   5   2   5  12   3   6   1   77
Seahawks             B  14   3  15  17   6  13  18  17   6   3   6   5  123
                     C  11   3  10  14   8   5  15   2  13   4  12   1   98
                        34  44  71 116 144 167 202 226 257 267 291 298  298

Roger Williams Univ  A  16   2  15  12  12  17   5   1  13   6   7  17  123
Hawks                B   7   8   7  11   9   6  17  10  18   8  14   6  121
                     C   2   6   3   6   9   3   1   5   1  10   2  12   60
                        25  41  66  95 125 151 174 190 222 246 269 304  304

Conn College         A  17  13   8  16   8  11  14  16  11   2   8  13  137
Camels               B  12   2   1  13   4   2  13   1   3   6   2   8   67
                     C  10  11   4   7   2  10   6  18  14   5   8  11  106
                        39  65  78 114 128 151 184 219 247 260 278 310  310

Harvard University   A   3  18   9   8  15   8  12   9  18   7  12  12  131
Crimson              B   3   4   4 RAF   1  11   1   4  17  11   3   2   80
                     C   7  15   9  12   4   7   3   7   4   1 DSQ  15  103
                        13  50  72 111 131 157 173 193 232 251 285 314  314

MIT                  A   5  17   7   7   5   7 DSQ  15  14  12   3   5  116
Fierce Beavers       B   4   5  12   3   2   3   2   5  13   7  10  10   76
                     C   4  14  17   5  18   2  16  10  12  17  10  13  138
                        13  49  85 100 125 137 174 204 243 279 302 330  330

Univ of Rhode Island A  14  11  16  10   9  10  10  13  15  14   9   8  139
Rams                 B  15  15   2  12   5  10  14   3   9   1   7   3   96
                     C   5  12  13   2  15   9   4   3  15  16   3   8  105
                        34  72 103 127 156 185 213 232 271 302 321 340  340

US Coast Guard Acad  A   6  14  11   5   7   2  15  10   7  17   4   7  105
Bears                B   2  12  17   7  15  14  11  14  14  10  16  16  148
                     C  13   2  12   8   7   4   8  17   7   6   7  17  108
                        21  49  89 109 138 158 192 233 261 294 321 361  361

Brown University     A  10   9  10   4   2   4  17   7   3  10  14   3   93
Bears                B  17  18   9  15  16  16   4  18   2  17   9  13  154
                     C  17   8  14   4   6   8  17  11  10  12  11   6  124
                        44  79 112 135 159 187 225 261 276 315 349 371  371

Tufts University     A   7  16   1   9  13   6   7  17   5   5  15  15  116
Jumbos               B  16  17  13  14  10  18  16   8   5  15   4  11  147
                     C   8  10  18   9   3  15  18   4   3   3  14   5  110
                        31  74 106 138 164 203 244 273 286 309 342 373  373

Salve Regina Univ    A  15  15  13  18  11  14  11   8   4   8  13  14  144
Seahawks             B   5  13  16   5   7   8   7   7  10  14  12  12  116
                     C   9  18   7  11  13  16   5   8  11  13   9  10  130
                        29  75 111 145 176 214 237 260 285 320 354 390  390

Dartmouth College    A  12  12   5  15  17  18   3  14   6  13  16   4  135
Big Green            B  13  10  18   6  12  12   5  13   7  16   5  14  131
                     C   3   9   5  18  17 DSQ  12   9   8  15  16  16  147
                        28  59  87 126 172 221 241 277 298 342 379 413  413

Bowdoin College      A   8  10  14  11  16   3  16  11   8  15   1  10  123
Polar Bears          B  11  14  11  16  17  15  15   9  16   9  18  18  169
                     C  16  17  16  17   5  17  11  16   6   9  13  18  161
                        35  76 117 161 199 234 276 312 342 375 407 453  453

Univ of Vermont      A  13   6  17  17  18  15  13  12   9   9  17  18  164
Catamounts           B  10   9   8   9  14   7  12  15  15  12  17  17  145
                     C   6  16   6  16  11  12  14  13  18  18  17   4  151
                        29  60  91 133 176 210 249 289 331 370 421 460  460

Univ of So Florida   A  18   7  18  13   6  13   6  18  16  11  18  16  160
Bulls                B  18  16   6  10  18  17   9  16  12  13  15  15  165
                     C  12  13  15  15  14  13   7  14  17  11   6   7  144
                        48  84 123 161 199 242 264 312 357 392 431 469  469

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46