64th Annual Walter 'Jack' Wood Trophy for the Mass Bay Midget Championship
Sun 16-Aug-2015 | 11:00-16:00 |
Registration Start: | 05-August-2015 at 00:00 |
Registration End: | 17-August-2015 at midnight |
The 2015 Walter C. Wood Trophy was held in hot and challenging wind conditions as the wind filled and died repeated throughout the day. The direction shifted frequently between NW and SW and in between. 14 teams completed 5 races with no protests. Congratulations to Amelia Carlson and Ethan Skenderian from Winchester Boat Club for winning the 2015 Wood Trophy in the last race.
Link to results:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wOPrnBMQv75T3iIwJcudwDmTDcDV2Sm0TU0aZnBIzHw/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you to MIT Dockmaster Stew Craig, Boatwright Joe Zambella, Wally Corwin, and Ben and Will Craig for assisting the competitors ashore.
Matt Lindblad Head Coach, MIT Varsity Sailing
Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Dock Master, Matthew Lindblad