73rd Gill NA Dinghy Champs at Sail Newport by NYYC/Br/SR in 420s
Mon 02-Jun-2008 | 09:00-16:30 |
Tue 03-Jun-2008 | 09:00-16:30 |
Wed 04-Jun-2008 | 09:00-16:30 |
Day 3: Final Day
Seniors Julie Arsenault and Jack Field snatched the last race of the championship and their college careers to bring the Beavers up to sixth place overall. The Hoyas from Georgetown and the Seahawks from St Marys College of Maryland reeled in Boston College to take first and second respectively.
We are very proud of the entire squad for the best showing by MIT at Dinghy Nationals since 1964. And they defeated Charleston (won in 2007 and 2006), Harvard, Brown, Stanford and Yale, too!
Way to go, team!!!!!
Franny Charles, Sailing Master
6 races were sailed in each division in wet conditions. The breeze ranged from 5-15. St Mary's lost a protest to Charleston costing them 2nd place. Congrats to the Hoyas for winning by 31 points.
Check out the blogs/live on the water updates and pictures at: http://www.collegesailing.org/nas/spring08/blog.asp
3:15 PM 6-4-08
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOT
Georgetown A 2 16 18 13 13 15 7 8 4 1 9 6 4 12 8 1 2 2 141
B 1 2 6 1 2 1 5 12 1 7 13 4 8 1 15 8 5 5 97
3 21 45 59 74 90 102 122 127 135 157 167 179 192 215 224 231 238 238
St Mary's College A 6 7 11 6 5 12 4 13 5 3 14 1 13 5 12 2 16 4 139
B 8 11 4 10 1 8 3 15 7 5 11 12 1 4 13 12 2 3 130
14 32 47 63 69 89 96 124 136 144 169 182 196 205 230 244 262 269 269
Boston College A 7 3 1 12 1 6 9 1 8 13 2 4 18 17 14 17 8 6 147
B 6 10 15 4 6 16 1 6 3 4 5 7 3 11 12 2 8 4 123
13 26 42 58 65 87 97 104 115 132 139 150 171 199 225 244 260 270 270
Roger Williams A 12 2 12 4 8 5 1 14 15 5 10 10 7 10 7 8 3 7 140
B 17 13 3 13 13 3 17 5 2 9 4 5 9 7 11 7 1 10 149
29 44 59 76 97 105 123 142 159 173 187 202 218 235 253 268 272 289 289
Conn College A 16 8 8 7 11 8 6 2 12 10 13 5 2 9 4 12 13 10 156
B 9 1 17 7 12 15 6 8 11 2 1 10 16 2 14 6 12 2 151
25 34 59 73 96 119 131 141 164 176 190 205 223 234 252 270 295 307 307
MIT A 8 9 5 17 16 9 5 6 17 11 4 7 6 14 5 13 14 9 175
B 5 3 9 9 7 9 10 13 13 6 6 6 5 3 16 10 6 1 137
13 25 39 65 88 106 121 140 170 187 197 210 221 238 259 282 302 312 312
Yale A 15 4 10 15 6 16 18 11 6 7 3 12 12 18 1 4 6 8 172
B 7 9 16 3 3 2 12 17 6 8 12 2 10 5 5 3 17 12 149
22 35 61 79 88 106 136 164 176 191 206 220 242 265 271 278 301 321 321
College of Charlesto A 1 5 9 11 14 3 15 15 10 17 8 2 5 6 18 3 5 17 164
B 12 4 10 6 16 4 4 1 12 15 8 9 2 16 7 15 9 8 158
13 22 41 58 88 95 114 130 152 184 200 211 218 240 265 283 297 322 322
Brown University A 14 13 2 9 2 10 10 16 3 6 1 16 9 4 6 7 4 1 133
B 18 15 1 2 4 12 14 3 9 17 15 15 7 15 1 18 13 16 195
32 60 63 74 80 102 126 145 157 180 196 227 243 262 269 294 311 328 328
Harvard A 10 1 4 14 9 13 14 17 11 4 15 13 1 13 13 5 17 13 187
B 2 7 8 8 11 5 9 9 8 11 10 18 4 9 9 9 4 9 150
12 20 32 54 74 92 115 141 160 175 200 231 236 258 280 294 315 337 337
Vermont A 13 12 3 10 3 2 2 4 9 15 6 3 15 2 9 16 1 14 139
B 4 18 18 16 9 11 11 7 10 18 3 16 15 10 2 14 10 15 207
17 47 68 94 106 119 132 143 162 195 204 223 253 265 276 306 317 346 346
South Florida A 4 10 6 3 12 4 13 5 14 2 11 8 3 8 11 11 9 12 146
B 15 12 13 12 14 6 13 11 17 14 17 13 6 13 8 17 16 14 231
19 41 60 75 101 111 137 153 184 200 228 249 258 279 298 326 351 377 377
Stanford A 5 15 16 2 17 18 11 9 2 9 17 11 16 1 17 10 12 16 204
B 13 14 2 14 10 14 7 2 14 3 2 8 14 12 3 11 18 17 178
18 47 65 81 108 140 158 169 185 197 216 235 265 278 298 319 349 382 382
Kings Point A 3 14 14 1 15 1 16 7 7 18 7 9 10 3 10 6 7 15 163
B 14 5 14 18 15 17 8 4 16 10 18 14 17 8 17 16 3 13 227
17 36 64 83 113 131 155 166 189 217 242 265 292 303 330 352 362 390 390
Hobart/William Smith A 18 6 17 8 18 14 3 18 16 14 5 15 11 7 3 14 15 3 205
B 3 17 5 15 17 18 16 18 18 12 7 1 12 18 4 4 11 6 202
21 44 66 89 124 156 175 211 245 271 283 299 322 347 354 372 398 407 407
SUNY A 11 11 15 5 7 17 8 12 18 8 18 18 17 16 16 15 18 18 248
B 16 8 7 5 18 10 2 10 4 13 9 11 11 6 6 5 14 7 162
27 46 68 78 103 130 140 162 184 205 232 261 289 311 333 353 385 410 410
U Penn A 17 17 13 16 10 7 12 10 13 16 16 14 14 15 15 OCS 11 5 240
B 10 16 12 17 5 13 18 14 5 1 14 3 13 14 10 1 7 11 184
27 60 85 118 133 153 183 207 225 242 272 289 316 345 370 390 408 424 424
U Wisconsin A 9 18 7 18 4 11 17 3 1 12 12 17 8 11 2 9 10 11 180
B 11 6 11 11 8 7 15 16 15 16 16 17 18 17 18 13 15 18 248
20 44 62 91 103 121 153 172 188 216 244 278 304 332 352 374 399 428 428
A division = 18 Races
1. Brown University 133 Andrew Perry '08
Maria Mahler-Haug '09
2. Vermont 139 Clinton Hayes '10
Coco Solsvig '10
3. St Mary's College 139 Justin Law '08
Maggie Lumkes '08 Jennifer Chamberlin '09
4. Roger Williams 140 Andy Goetting '08
Kelly Gorman '09 Kaytlin Hall '09
5. Georgetown 141 Chris Behm '08
Carly Chamberlain '09
6. South Florida 146 Mitch Hall '10
Stephanie Reynolds '11
7. Boston College 147 Brian Kamilar '09
Andrew Schneider '09
8. Conn College 156 Dave Meleney '08
Kelly Arabia '10 Dave Marshall '09
9. Kings Point 163 Chris Alexander '08
Sara Mock '10 Eric Lowe '08
10. College of Charlesto 164 Chris Lash '08 Steven Barbano '11
Britney Haas '09 Steven Barbano '11 KWeaver '10
11. Yale 172 Zach Brown '08
Grace Becton '09
12. MIT 175 Brooks Reed '09
Ellie Hass '10 Gabe Ciya '08
13. U Wisconsin 180 Rob Pickens '08
Kelsey Cramer '08
14. Harvard 187 Kyle Kovacs '08
Elyse Dolbec '08
15. Stanford 204 TJ Tullo '09 Eddie Conrad '08
Kelly McKenna '09 Carrie Denning '08 GTodd
16. Hobart/William Smith 205 Jay Mills '08
Kaitlyn Van Nostrand '09
17. U Penn 240 J. Garth Fasano '08
Kelley Millane '09
18. SUNY 248 Todd Hawkins '09
Laura Wasson '11
B division = 18 Races
1. Georgetown 97 Charlie Buckingham '11
Alex Tayler '10
2. Boston College 123 Reed Johnson '08
Julie Howe '08
3. St Mary's College 130 Jesse Kirkland '10 John Lowe '08
Brooke Thomson '11 Michael Kuschner '10 MNordhem
4. MIT 137 Jack Field '08
Julie Arsenault '08
5. Yale 149 Thomas Barrows '10
Abigal Coplin '08
6. Roger Williams 149 Matt Duggan '09
Maria Petrillo '09 Sarah Mease '09
7. Harvard 150 Alan Palmer '11
Lauren Brants '09
8. Conn College 151 Charlie Modica '09
Sarah Shear '09 Elizabeth Hawkins '08
9. College of Charlesto 158 Nick Martin '10
Megan Riddle '08 Dani Neri '08 Logan Hearn '11
10. SUNY 162 Dan Hesse '09
Dani Gamache '09
11. Stanford 178 Cole Hatton '11 Evan Brown '08
Leigh Hammel '10 Hannah Burroughs Grahman Todd
12. U Penn 184 Pat Curran '08 Bryce LeFort '09
Bri Morgan '08 Bryce LeFort '09
13. Brown University 195 Charlie Enright '08 Hugh Cullman '08
Malay Khamsyvoravang '09 Theresa O'Neil '10
14. Hobart/William Smith 202 Austin Kana '09 John Sampson '10
Meghan Jordan '10
15. Vermont 207 Tyler Baeder '09 Matt Clark '08
Chris Bletzer '09 Caitlyn Connolly '08
16. Kings Point 227 James Givens '08 Brett Baker '10
Alyssa Montague '10 Robert Grandstaff '08
17. South Florida 231 Tim King '09 Christopher Krinig '10
Elizabeth Foy '08 Darby Smith '11
18. U Wisconsin 248 Patti Schmidt '08
Beccah Steffenson '08
Day 2
From the ICSA National Mailing List by jan.harley@mediapronewport.com
Newport, Rhode Island (June 3, 2008) - In the 41 years that college sailors have fought to win the three national championships held every spring under the umbrella of the Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association, only one college has dominated to win all three events - as the U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, Md.) did in 1991. The Boston College Eagles (Chestnut Hill, Mass.) are the series leaders heading into the final day of the ICSA/Gill National Championship, and tomorrow, should they turn their 17 point lead into a win, they would not only join the Middies in managing a rare feat, they will have done so on possibly the most famous sailing waters in the world - those of Newport, R.I..
On day one of this championship, light air allowed only two races to be completed in both A- and B-Divisions resulting in some very tight standings at the top of the 18-college field. Harvard University was first with 20 points followed by Georgetown University with 21, College of Charleston with 22, MIT with 25, and Boston College with 26. For the racing today, a southwesterly that built from a morning low of 6 knots into the low teens was overshadowed by the current which was a factor in several general recalls.
By the time four sets of races had been completed, the Eagles had made their move and held a slim two point lead over St. Mary's College. The work by skipper Brian Kamilar (Miami, Fla.) and crew Andrew Schneider (Newport, R.I.), both juniors, took them to the top of A-Division when their 1-12-1-6 scoreline was added to yesterday's results of 7-3 at the end of today's sixth set. In B-Division, BC graduating seniors, skipper Reed Johnson (Toms River, N.J.) with crew Julie Howe (Grosse Point City, Mich.) were sitting ninth overall after they added 15-4-6-16 to their finishes of 6-10 from yesterday.
With four more races counted for A-Division, Georgetown edged ahead of BC in the standings while tied on points at 128. St. Mary's was then third with 139. Juniors Adam Roberts (San Diego, Calif.) and Carrie Amarante (Wayne, N.J.) took over the B-Division task for BC, and once the score from race 10-B was added, the Eagles were back in the lead with 132 points to Georgetown's 135.
Racing wrapped up after the 12th race was completed in both divisions as BC, with 150 points, increased the spread to 17 over Georgetown. St. Mary's remains third with 182 points, followed by Roger Williams University with 202, and Connecticut College with 205. The caliber of the competition is evident in the standings through tenth place: MIT is sixth with 210 points, College of Charleston has 211, Yale is at 220, and the University of Vermont (making their first-ever appearance at the national championship) with 223 is followed by Brown University with 227.
The final four races for A- and B-Division will complete the championship tomorrow, Wednesday, June 4. A storm is predicted to move into the area overnight bringing heavy downpours and SSE breeze.
For additional information and full results: www.collegesailing.org/nas/spring08/
Ten races were completed in A and B division. A light southerly filled in just in time for the first races. The breeze built from 5-7 in the morning to 7-12 in the afternoon. It threatened to die as the last B division race was finishing. Boston College still holds the lead with Georgetown in 2nd and St. Mary's College in 3rd.
Get results and blogs throughout the day at: http://www.collegesailing.org/nas/spring08/coedresults.asp
5:41 PM 6-3-08
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOT
Boston College A 7 3 1 12 1 6 9 1 8 13 2 4 67
B 6 10 15 4 6 16 1 6 3 4 5 7 83
13 26 42 58 65 87 97 104 115 132 139 150 150
Georgetown A 2 16 18 13 13 15 7 8 4 1 9 6 112
B 1 2 6 1 2 1 5 12 1 7 13 4 55
3 21 45 59 74 90 102 122 127 135 157 167 167
St Mary's College A 6 7 11 6 5 12 4 13 5 3 14 1 87
B 8 11 4 10 1 8 3 15 7 5 11 12 95
14 32 47 63 69 89 96 124 136 144 169 182 182
Roger Williams A 12 2 12 4 8 5 1 14 15 5 10 10 98
B 17 13 3 13 13 3 17 5 2 9 4 5 104
29 44 59 76 97 105 123 142 159 173 187 202 202
Conn College A 16 8 8 7 11 8 6 2 12 10 13 5 106
B 9 1 17 7 12 15 6 8 11 2 1 10 99
25 34 59 73 96 119 131 141 164 176 190 205 205
MIT A 8 9 5 17 16 9 5 6 17 11 4 7 114
B 5 3 9 9 7 9 10 13 13 6 6 6 96
13 25 39 65 88 106 121 140 170 187 197 210 210
College of Charleston A 1 5 9 11 14 3 15 15 10 17 8 2 110
B 12 4 10 6 16 4 4 1 12 15 8 9 101
13 22 41 58 88 95 114 130 152 184 200 211 211
Yale A 15 4 10 15 6 16 18 11 6 7 3 12 123
B 7 9 16 3 3 2 12 17 6 8 12 2 97
22 35 61 79 88 106 136 164 176 191 206 220 220
Vermont A 13 12 3 10 3 2 2 4 9 15 6 3 82
B 4 18 18 16 9 11 11 7 10 18 3 16 141
17 47 68 94 106 119 132 143 162 195 204 223 223
Brown University A 14 13 2 9 2 10 10 16 3 6 1 16 102
B 18 15 1 2 4 12 14 3 9 17 15 15 125
32 60 63 74 80 102 126 145 157 180 196 227 227
Harvard A 10 1 4 14 9 13 14 17 11 4 15 13 125
B 2 7 8 8 11 5 9 9 8 11 10 18 106
12 20 32 54 74 92 115 141 160 175 200 231 231
Stanford A 5 15 16 2 17 18 11 9 2 9 17 11 132
B 13 14 2 14 10 14 7 2 14 3 2 8 103
18 47 65 81 108 140 158 169 185 197 216 235 235
South Florida A 4 10 6 3 12 4 13 5 14 2 11 8 92
B 15 12 13 12 14 6 13 11 17 14 17 13 157
19 41 60 75 101 111 137 153 184 200 228 249 249
SUNY A 11 11 15 5 7 17 8 12 18 8 18 18 148
B 16 8 7 5 18 10 2 10 4 13 9 11 113
27 46 68 78 103 130 140 162 184 205 232 261 261
Kings Point A 3 14 14 1 15 1 16 7 7 18 7 9 112
B 14 5 14 18 15 17 8 4 16 10 18 14 153
17 36 64 83 113 131 155 166 189 217 242 265 265
U Wisconsin A 9 18 7 18 4 11 17 3 1 12 12 17 129
B 11 6 11 11 8 7 15 16 15 16 16 17 149
20 44 62 91 103 121 153 172 188 216 244 278 278
U Penn A 17 17 13 16 10 7 12 10 13 16 16 14 161
B 10 16 12 17 5 13 18 14 5 1 14 3 128
27 60 85 118 133 153 183 207 225 242 272 289 289
Hobart/William Smith A 18 6 17 8 18 14 3 18 16 14 5 15 152
B 3 17 5 15 17 18 16 18 18 12 7 1 147
21 44 66 89 124 156 175 211 245 271 283 299 299
A division = 12 Races
1. Boston College 67 Brian Kamilar '09
Andrew Schneider '09
2. Vermont 82 Clinton Hayes '10
Coco Solsvig '10
3. St Mary's College 87 Justin Law '08
Maggie Lumkes '08 Jennifer Chamberlin '09
4. South Florida 92 Mitch Hall '10
Stephanie Reyudols '11
5. Roger Williams 98 Andy Goetting '08
Kelly Gorman '09 Kaytlin Hall '09
6. Brown University 102 Andrew Perry '08
Maria Mahler-Haug '09
7. Conn College 106 Dave Meleney '08
Kelly Arabia '10 Dave Marshall '09
8. College of Charlesto 110 Chris Lash '08, Steven Barbano '11
Britney Haas '09 Steven Barbano '11 Katie Weaver '10
9. Kings Point 112 Chris Alexander '08
Sara Mock '10 Eric Lowe '08
10. Georgetown 112 Chris Behm '08
Carly Chamberlain '09
11. MIT 114 Brooks Reed '09
Ellie Hass '10
12. Yale 123 Zach Brown '08
Grace Becton '09
13. Harvard 125 Kyle Kovacs '08
Elyse Dolbec '08
14. U Wisconsin 129 Rob Pickens '08
Kelsey Cramer '08
15. Stanford 132 TJ Tullo '09 Eddie Conrad '08
Kelly McKenna '09 Kerry Denning '08 Grahman Todd
16. SUNY 148 Todd Hawkins '09
Lara Wasson '11
17. Hobart/William Smith 152 Jay Mills '08
Kaitlyn Van Nostrand '09
18. U Penn 161 J. Garth Fasano '08
B division = 12 Races
1. Georgetown 55 Charlie Buckingham '11
Alex Tayler '10
2. Boston College 83 Reed Johnson '08
Julie Howe '08
3. St Mary's College 95 Jesse Kirkland '10
Brooke Thomson '11 Michael Kuschner '10
4. MIT 96 Jack Field '08
Julie Arsenault '08
5. Yale 97 Thomas Barrows '10
Abigal Coplin '08
6. Conn College 99 Charlie Modica '09
Sarah Shear '09 Elizabeth Hawkins '08
7. College of Charlesto 101 Nick Martin '10
Megan Riddle '08 Dani Neri '08 Logan Hearn '11
8. Stanford 103 Cole Hatton '11 Evan Brown '08
Leigh Hammel '10 Hannah Burroughs Grahman Todd
9. Roger Williams 104 Matt Duggan '09
Maria Petrillo '09 Sarah Mease '09
10. Harvard 106 Alen Palmer '11
Lauren Brants '09
11. SUNY 113 Dan Hesse '09
Dani Gamache '09
12. Brown University 125 Charlie Enright '08, Hugh Cullman '08
Malay Khamsyvoravang '09, Theresa O'Neil '10
13. U Penn 128 Pat Currab '08, Bryce LeFort '09
Bri Morgan '08, Bryce LeFort '09
14. Vermont 141 Tyler Baeder '09 Matt Clark '08
Chris Bletzer '09 Caitlyn Connolly '08
15. Hobart/William Smith 147 Austin Kana '09 John Sampson '10
Meghan Jordan '10
16. U Wisconsin 149 Patti Schmidt '08
Beccah Steffenson '08
17. Kings Point 153 James Givens '08, Brett Baker '10
Alyssa Montague '10 Robert Grandstaff '08
Day 1
From the ICSA National Mailing List by jan.harley@mediapronewport.com
Newport, Rhode Island (June 2, 2008) - The top 18 college sailing teams in the nation have begun the contest they hope will end with their win of the most coveted title of the year - the ICSA/Gill National Championship. From June 2-4, Narragansett Bay will be the stage for this grand finale of the college sailing year after an exciting lead in over the past week that saw Boston College win back-to-back college national championships at the ICSA Women's National Championship and the ICSA/APS Team Race National Championship.
For many of the competitors in this event, there is not only a college title to be won, but also bragging rights for a crop of sailors who either grew up racing for local yacht clubs or were competitors at one of the area high schools. College of Charleston graduating seniors Chris Lash and Dani Neri (both Newport), sailed for the Ida Lewis Yacht Club racing team and are alums of, respectively, Tabor Academy and Rogers High School. From just over the bridge, Jamestown siblings David and Mike Marshall, graduates of North Kingstown High School, both sail for Connecticut College (class of '09 and '11, respectively) and are members of Conanicut Yacht Club. Also sailing for Conn College is freshman Sarah Robertson (Providence), a graduate of The Wheeler School. From up the bay in Bristol come two siblings who graduated from Milton Academy - Charles Enright, Brown '08, will go up against younger brother Jonathan Enright, Roger Williams University '10.
Will Gallagher (Little Compton) SUNY Maritime College '10, graduate of Portsmouth Abbey, Christopher Keimig (North Kingston) University of South Florida '10, Tyler Baeder (Cranston) University of Vermont '09, a graduate of Bishop Hendricken and Malay Khamsyvorang (Barrington) Brown '09, a graduate of Barrington High School, will all add to the mix.
In another twist, St. George's School will have no less than five alumni on the water when Andrew Schneider, Boston College '09, and Hannah Burroughs, Stanford '11, both Newport residents, face three members of the University of Pennsylvania team who are also graduates: Garth Fasano (Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.) '08, Kelley Milllane (Madison, Conn.) '09 and Bryce LeFort (Stuart, Fla.) '09.
Only two races were completed for the first day of this championship due to fluky and light breeze, with Harvard University currently leading the standings with 20 points. Georgetown University is second with 21, followed by College of Charleston with 22, MIT with 25, and Boston College with 26. Racing resumes tomorrow, Tuesday, June 3, and concludes on Wednesday, June 4. For additional information and full results: www.collegesailing.org/nas/spring08/
The Event: In the ICSA/Gill National Championship, each of the 18 competing schools fields a separate A and B division team and, weather permitting, each division sails eighteen 20- to 30-minute fleet races over three days for a total of 36 races. A team's final score is determined by the combined results of its sailors in A and B divisions. In order to get to Newport, a semi-final round determined the schools racing for the ultimate bragging rights associated with winning the ICSA/Gill National Championship title. Where colleges once qualified for the championship strictly via the conference system, the new format first eliminated two controversial at-large berths, and then saw the competitive field double with the addition of the semi-final round. The season's performance in their respective conference still mattered - it earned 36 teams their bracket slot at the Eastern and Western semi-finals. The top-nine finishers from those semis are racing in Newport - virtually guaranteeing that the 18 most competitive teams in North America are racing for the ICSA/Gill National Championship.
5:45 PM 6-2-08
1 2 TOT
Harvard A 10 1 11
B 2 7 9
12 20 20
Georgetown A 2 16 18
B 1 2 3
3 21 21
College of A 1 5 6
Charleston B 12 4 16
13 22 22
MIT A 8 9 17
B 5 3 8
13 25 25
Boston College A 7 3 10
B 6 10 16
13 26 26
St Mary's College A 6 7 13
B 8 11 19
14 32 32
Conn College A 16 8 24
B 9 1 10
25 34 34
Yale A 15 4 19
B 7 9 16
22 35 35
Kings Point A 3 14 17
B 14 5 19
17 36 36
South Florida A 4 10 14
B 15 12 27
19 41 41
U Wisconsin A 9 18 27
B 11 6 17
20 44 44
Roger Williams A 12 2 14
B 17 13 30
29 44 44
Hobart/William Smith A 18 6 24
B 3 17 20
21 44 44
SUNY A 11 11 22
B 16 8 24
27 46 46
Vermont A 13 12 25
B 4 18 22
17 47 47
Stanford A 5 15 20
B 13 14 27
18 47 47
Brown University A 14 13 27
B 18 15 33
32 60 60
U Penn A 17 17 34
B 10 16 26
27 60 60
A division = 2 Races
1. College of Charlesto 6 Chris Lash '08
Britney Haas '09 Steven Barabano '11 KWeaver '10
2. Boston College 10 Brian Kamilar '09
Andrew Schneider '09
3. Harvard 11 Kyle Kovacs '08
Elyse Dolber '08
4. St Mary's College 13 Justin Law '08
Maggie Lumkes '08 Jennifer Chamberlin '09
5. Roger Williams 14 Andy Goetting '08
Kelly Gorman '09 Kaytlin Hall '09
6. South Florida 14 Mitch Hall '10
Stephanie Reyudols '11
7. Kings Point 17 Chris Alexander '08
Sara Mock '10 Eric Lowe '08
8. MIT 17 Brooks Reed '09
Ellie Hass '10
9. Georgetown 18 Chris Behm '08
Carly Chamberlain '09
10. Yale 19 Zach Brown '08
Grace Becton '09
11. Stanford 20 TJ Tullo '09 Eddie Conrad '08 Evan Brown '08
Kelly McKenna '09 Kerry Denning '08 Grahman Todd
12. SUNY 22 Todd Hawkins '09
Lara Wasson '11
13. Hobart/William Smith 24 Jay Mills '08
Kaitlyn VanNostrand '09
14. Conn College 24 Dave Meleney '08
Kelly Arabia '10 Dave Marshall '09
15. Vermont 25 Clinton Hayes '10
Coco Solsvig '10
16. U Wisconsin 27 Rob Pickens '08
Kelsey Cramer '08
17. Brown University 27 Andrew Perry '08
Maria Mahler-Haug '09
18. U Penn 34 J. Garth Fasano '08
Kelley Millane '09
B division = 2 Races
1. Georgetown 3 Charlie Buckingham '11
Alex Tayler '10
2. MIT 8 Jack Field '08
Julie Arsenault '08
3. Harvard 9 Alen Palmer '11
Lauren Brants '09
4. Conn College 10 Charlie Modica '09
Sarah Cheaf '09 Elizabeth Hawkins '08
5. College of Charlesto 16 Nick Martin '10
Megan Riddle '08 Dani Neri '08 Logan Hearn '11
6. Boston College 16 Reed Johnson '08
Julie Howe '08
7. Yale 16 Thomas Barrows '10
Abigal Coplin '08
8. U Wisconsin 17 Patti Schmidt '08
Beccah Steffenson '08
9. Kings Point 19 James Givens '08
Alyssa Montague '10 Robert Grandstaff '08
10. St Mary's College 19 Jesse Kirkland '10
Brooke Thomson '11 Michael Kuschner '10
11. Hobart/William Smith 20 Austin Kana '09
Meghan Jordan '10
12. Vermont 22 Tyler Baeder '09
Chris Bletzer '09
13. SUNY 24 Dan Hesse '09
Dani Gamache '09
14. U Penn 26 Pat Currab '08
Bri Morgan '08
15. South Florida 27 Tim King '09
Elizabeth Foy '08 Darby Staith '11
16. Stanford 27 Cole Hatton '11
Leigh Hammel '10 Evan Brown '08 Hannah Burroughs
17. Roger Williams 30 Matt Duggan '09
Marina Petrillo '09
18. Brown University 33 Charlie Enright '08
Malay Khamsyvoravang '09
For details about this event, see http://sailing.mit.edu/Team/sched.php
Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad