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Charles River Open Team Race 2011

Sat 21-May-201107:00-17:00
Sun 22-May-201107:00-17:00
Registration Start: 30-November--0001 at 00:00
Registration End:20-May-2011 at midnight


The 2011 MIT Charles River Team Rac e Open

Eighteen teams competed in 192 races held over 2 days in mostly easterly 5-13 knots.  The format was a modified swiss league using 30 FJs with each team sailing at least 20 races. The champions were determined by a semi-final and final best of 3 rounds. This event could not have happened without the huge amount of volunteers required to run so many races over 2 days. Last year’s champions Matt Duggan and Alie Bittl were assisted by Chris Lash started races until the semi final round. The rotations and scoring masters were long time CRO veterans Eric Gibber, Sue Ostrowski, and Ellen Pratt, assisted by Jennifer Stewart, Jeong-Ah Kwon, Simon Watts, Mai, and John Laiosa. Breakdown and rotations were managed by MIT staffers Wally Corwin, Carl Zimba, and Patrick Joyce. Sailing Master Fran Charles, Matty Cohen, and Matt Lindblad were also helping to manage the action.

In the semi finals, Boom defeated Who Dat by a 2-1 margin in the best of 3 series, while Ruckus (minus Pete Levesque from Saturday) beat Go Below Me in a sail-off following 3 protests from the first 2 races. The finals were won by Boom (2-0) vs Ruckus. Third place was secured by Who Dat (2-0) over Go Below Me.  Next year’s CRO will be run by this year’s winners, Billy Martin, Fiona Gordan, Ben Greenfield , Britany Haas, Bobby Martin, and Sarah Whalen.

Team personnel, results, and scoring spreadsheet are available at

   RR1 RR2 RR2 RR3 RR3 RR4 RR4 Total Total  TeamWLWLWPtsLPtsWLWPtsLPtsWLWPtsLPtsWL%WWPtsLPts%PtsRuckus50507.5040604161.51810.9524.51.51.29Boom50324.5340604161.51630.8421.54.51.13Who Dat50324.5300000000820.809.530.95GoBelowMe145050324.534161.51370.6516.58.50.83Marblehead322334.5131.54.54161.51090.5313.512.50.71Bohica41324.53131.54.52334.51090.5313130.68Bananas32324.532334.52334.510100.5013.5140.68Ellington23323250502334.51280.60139.50.65MagMuff235050324.53141.561190.5513120.65HBadgers32324.532334.5141.569110.451215.50.60Riot322334.5040632328110.42914.50.47Los Dos230507.5232350509110.45913.50.45ReachArnds32141.563232141.568120.409160.45In 2052323232340408110.428110.42Shake141414414114147130.357130.35Vineyard052323232332327130.357130.35Dragons231414141414145150.255150.25MornMafia141414141405053170.153170.15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Alvar Saenz-Otero, Fran Charles, Matthew Lindblad, Matthew Cohen

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46