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2012 Toby Baker Trophy (High School TRing Champs)

Fri 25-May-201215:00-16:30
Sat 26-May-201208:00-17:30
Sun 27-May-201208:00-16:00
Registration Start: 30-November--0001 at 00:00
Registration End:21-May-2012 at midnight

Notice of Race



May 25-27, 2012

MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA




1.1. The event will be governed by rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2009-2012, including Appendix S, the prescriptions of US Sailing, The ISSA Procedural Rules, The ISSA Championship Conditions, the ISSA Team Race National Championship Conditions, this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions.

1.2. Rule D2.3(b) regarding protests and requests for redress will apply.

1.3. Right of appeal will be denied (RRS 70.5(a)).



2.1. Competing schools shall be members of ISSA and meet ISSA eligibility rules as prescribed in the Procedural Rules.

2.2. Teams shall be accompanied by a designated adult team leader, who may be an advisor, coach or parent recognized by the school.

2.3. Selection of competing schools will be by district elimination. The regatta has 12 berths. Allocations of those berths to schools will be determined by the ISSA Board. Schools should contact their district directors for details on district qualifiers.



3.1. Eligible schools and sailors shall enter by submitting an official entry form ( prior to 1700 on May 21, 2012.

3.2. A team allocated a berth but unable to compete shall notify the event chair Carl Zimba and the ISSA event rep by electronic mail as soon as possible. The ISSA will reallocate vacant berths. 



4.1. The entry is $600 per school. This includes dinner after racing on Saturday evening for up to 10 team members. Additional team members, team leaders, coaches and parents can buy additional dinners for $20 each.

4.2. Entry fees will be paid electronically with credit card along with completed entry forms prior to 1700 on May 21, 2012.



5.1. A damage deposit of $400 shall be secured with each entry by credit card. This is refundable if the boats and gear are returned undamaged. In the event damage cannot be attributed to a particular team, the repair costs will be divided evenly amongst all the competing teams.

5.2. All fees must be made by credit card. Mailing checks is not an acceptable method of payment.



Round Robin Races as well as gold and silver final rounds will be sailed in Collegiate FJ’s provided by the host district. The bronze group final round will be sailed in Firefly dinghies.



Friday, May 25, 2012


1500 – 1900   Check-in registration and practice at MIT. Competitors shall complete check-in to get a boat for practice. Boats are available for practice on a first-come-first-served basis; however, practice time will be limited to 90 minutes, and each team practicing may use only three FJs.


Saturday, May 26, 2012


0800 – 0845 Sign in, draw for round robin assignment, rig boats.

0900 Competitors Meeting-Mandatory

     Starting time for first race will be announced at the Competitors Meeting. Racing will continue throughout the day.


Sunday, May 27, 2012


0800 – 0845 Rig boats.

0900 Competitors Meeting-Mandatory 

     Starting time for first race will be announced at the Competitors Meeting. Racing will continue throughout the day.

1600 No race will be started after this time, with the exception of a sail off, if necessary for determining final positions.


ASAP Trophy Presentation.


Any changes to the schedule will be posted on the Official Notice Board.



8. RACING AREA: All races will be sailed on the Charles River Lower Basin. Rotation will occur at the MIT Sailing Pavilion in the vicinity of the starting and finishing lines.


9. COURSES: Based on conditions, the Race Committee will determine the courses as prescribed in ISSA PR 7.7.



The regatta will be scored in accordance with ISSA Procedural Rules.



Sailing Instructions will be available on line after May 15, 2012. Questions should be submitted to event chair and answers will be posted on the event website prior to May 25, 2012. After that, questions and answers will be posted at the event notice board.



No housing is provided. A list of local hotels is available on the event web site [].


13. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION: Competitors should use Boston's Logan Airport (“BOS”), though TF Green in Providence, RI and Manchester, NH are about an hour away.

Teams are responsible for their own transportation. The address of the regatta site is:     


              MIT Sailing Pavilion

              134 Memorial Drive

              Cambridge, MA 02139.


Parking in MIT lots is available for free unless otherwise marked after 3 PM on weekdays, and all day on the weekend. Westbound Memorial Drive may also have open spots. The venue is also accessible via public transportation - the MBTA ("T") Red Line "Kendall Square" stop.


14. COACHING: Team leaders, chaperones, coaches, parents, advisors and other support personnel shall not go afloat in the sailing area from the end of practice sessions Friday to the end of racing Sunday

UNLESS they are on the boat-swap dock or an exception has been explicitly permitted by the Race Committee and posted on the notice board.


15. PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded to schools placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the regatta. The top school will have its name engraved on the perpetual Toby Baker Trophy.



No contestant shall use, either on or off the water, alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, or distilled spirits, each as defined in Chapter 51 of the US Internal Revenue Code and intended for beverage use), or marijuana, cocaine, or any other controlled substance (as defined in 21 US Code 802), the possession of which, by that contestant is unlawful under 21 US Code 841. Infringements of this regulation and/or other inappropriate conduct occurring during May 25-27, 2012, may be the basis for a hearing under RRS 69.1. The protest committee for such a hearing shall include a member of the ISSA Board of Directors, the Chief Umpire of the event, and at least one other person. This protest committee shall, at a time and place selected by it, meet to hear said protest, and it may impose scoring penalties, or other sanctions that it deems appropriate, including summary removal from the regatta.



17.1 Competitors are entirely responsible for their own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing reduces this responsibility.

17.2 By going out to race, competitors confirm that they are competent to sail and compete in the prevailing conditions.

17.3 Nothing done by the organizers can reduce the responsibility of competitors, nor will it make the organizers responsible for death or personal injury, however it may have occurred, as a result of competitors taking part in the racing. The organizers encompass everyone helping to run the event.

17.4 The provision of patrol boats does not relieve competitors of their responsibilities.



18.1 Sailing has prescribed under rule 68 (damages):

a. Any claim for damages arising from an incident while a boat is bound by The Racing Rules of Sailing shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and not considered by a protest committee.

b. A boat that takes a penalty or retires does not thereby admit liability for damages or that she has broken a rule.


Regatta Chairman: Carl Zimba [ or]


ISSA Representative: Andrew Nugnes []


Principal Race Officer: Sailing Master Fran Charles []


Regatta Management Personnel: Coach Matt Cohen and Coach Matt Lindblad []


Chief Umpire: John Pratt [boatbuilder@MIT.EDU]




For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Cohen, Fran Charles, Matthew Lindblad

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46