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Description | Results

Professor Noringer Trophy at MIT in Techs

Sat 03-Nov-200709:30-16:30


Regatta Highlights- With temps in the low 40s, cold rain that occasionally turned to hail, the barometer dropping rapidly, and NNE gusts from 12-20 the regatta was run with a no gybe X course in tech dinghies with storm sails. B Division started first with 3 straight races as the hurricane force breeze was expected to arrive by noon. A Division finished it off and the regatta was called at 1 pm. Dave Hellmuth assisted Fran Charles on RC and Wally Corwin and Conan Hom assisted with rescues and dock duties. Coaches were on the water helping everyone with boat handling.

This regatta is named after Professor Irene Noringer who is well known for her many contributions to the sport of sailing. Included in her long list of "accomplishments" are inventing fiberglass, the roll tack, the perpetual motion machine and hyperbolic chamber. Congrats to the BU 2 team as they are now 'ringers' and need to move on to tougher competition.

                         1   2   3  TOT

Boston University 2  A   4   2   2    8
                     B   1   1   2    4
                         5   8  12   12

Bentley              A   3   3  10   16
                     B   3   5   1    9
                         6  14  25   25

Coast Guard          A   7   1   4   12
                     B   7   6   3   16
                        14  21  28   28

Wheaton              A   2   5   6   13
                     B   9   2  10   21
                        11  18  34   34

Roger Williams       A   1   4   7   12
                     B   5   9  12   26
                         6  19  38   38

MIT Beavers          A   8  14   3   25
                     B   6   3   6   15
                        14  31  40   40

Brown                A  14   7  11   32
                     B   2   8   9   19
                        16  31  51   51

Tufts                A   9   8  14   31
                     B   8   4   8   20
                        17  29  51   51

MIT Engineers        A  10   6 RAF   37
                     B   4   7  14   25
                        14  27  62   62

University Vermont   A   6  10   5   21
                     B  16  17  13   46
                        22  49  67   67

Northeastern         A  11  12   9   32
                     B  14  16 BKD   45
                        25  53  77   77

Southern Maine       A  12  11  16   39
                     B  17  18   7   42
                        29  58  81   81

Providence           A  20  16  19   55
                     B  11  11   5   27
                        31  58  82   82

McGill               A  19  13  13   45
                     B  13  13  11   37
                        32  58  82   82

UMass Boston         A  13  19   8   40
                     B  15  12  15   42
                        28  59  82   82

Maine Maritime       A  18   9  12   39
                     B  12  15  17   44
                        30  54  83   83

MIT Nerds            A   5  15   1   21
                     B DNS DNS DNS   63
                        26  62  84   84

Boston University 1  A  17  20  15   52
                     B  10  10  16   36
                        27  57  88   88

Dartmouth            A  16  18  17   51
                     B DNS  14   4   39
                        37  69  90   90

Wellesley            A  15  17  18   50
                     B DNF DNS  18   60
                        36  74 110  110

  A division = 3 Races

 1. Boston University 2     8  Harry Weyher 11
                               Danny "Phantom" Perkins 11
 2. Coast Guard            12  Jenn Hom 09
                               Kirstin Haas 10  Kevin Kuhn 08
 3. Roger Williams         12  Joseph Strumilo 10
                               Sarah Tuvim 10
 4. Wheaton                13  Stewart Craig 10
                               Rob Callahan 08
 5. Bentley                16  Jesse Burton 08
                               Amy Mullen 10
 6. MIT Nerds              21  Charlie Field 10
                               Zeke Flato 11
 7. University Vermont     21  Andrew Modlin 09
                               Lauren Glover 09
 8. MIT Beavers            25  Daniel Beauboeuf 10
                               Yafim Landa 11
 9. Tufts                  31  Adam Moore 08
                               Zoe Nourallah 09
10. Northeastern           32  Chris Igo 09
                               Angela Lukstein 10
11. Brown                  32  Cecilia Strombeck 11
                               David Jackson 08
12. MIT Engineers          37  Patrick Barragan 08
                               Christie Lin 11
13. Maine Maritime         39  Ben Moll 11
                               Barbara Krasinsin 10
14. Southern Maine         39  Ben Converse 10
                               Tyler Arsenault 10
15. UMass Boston           40  Chris Hamilton 10
                               Tim Jones 11
16. McGill                 45  Natalie Fohl 11
                               Raphael Dumas 11
17. Wellesley              50  Maggie Rowe 11
                               Sarah Smith 10
18. Dartmouth              51  Michael Knapp 08
                               Mac Elatab 09
19. Boston University 1    52  Matt Schmidt 10
                               Amand Desai 10
20. Providence             55  Cole Johanson 10
                               James Harry Oliveno 10
     B division = 3 Races

 1. Boston University 2     4  Ben Greenfield 11
                               Tripp "Sandman" Cashell 11
 2. Bentley                 9  Philip Disciullo 10
                               Brendan Hennessy 10
 3. MIT Beavers            15  Michael Ciuffo 11
                               Zeke Flato 11
 4. Coast Guard            16  Nicole Bredariol 09
                               Chris Grabe 10
 5. Brown                  19  Nikolas Osralds 11
                               Timothy Eisen 11
 6. Tufts                  20  Dan Slate 11
                               Rob Dellvy 09
 7. Wheaton                21  Thad Cooic 09
                               Matt Migliozzi 11
 8. MIT Engineers          25  Dayan Paez 08
                               Amy Beasley 08
 9. Roger Williams         26  Andrew Vachon 10
                               Arwen Milton 09
10. Providence             27  Christopher Fraher 11
                               Pam Decatur 11
11. Boston University 1    36  Chris Guszack 11
                               Amanda Johnson 10
12. McGill                 37  Nick Jensen 09
                               Valarie Simonis 10
13. Dartmouth              39  Lars Waldo 11
                               Michael Diamond 11
14. UMass Boston           42  Kayla Baker 10
                               Stephanie Fail 11
15. Southern Maine         42  Dan Jussaume 09
                               Matt Dodge 10
16. Maine Maritime         44  Tobor Johnson 11
                               Mike Choate 11
17. Northeastern           45  Dan Wittstein 11
                               John Sexton 11
18. University Vermont     46  Alden Winder 11
                               Sean Poulos 11
19. Wellesley              60  Sarah Smith 10
                               Cataia Ives 11
20. MIT Nerds              63  

For details about this event, see


Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Matthew Lindblad, Matthew Cohen

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46