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MIT Sailing
75th Anniversary Renewal Project

Give to MIT Sailing

Thank you for giving to MIT Sailing! Your support will help us provide the MIT community with another 75 years of service!

Please go to the Official MIT Giving Pages to help us with an online contribution.

On that page:

  1. Choose your designation:
  2. Click "Add to my gift list"
  3. Click "Give Now"
and then follow the rest of the instructions.

For large gifts/endowments or to get more information about giving to MIT Sailing, please contact Candace Royer, our Senior Associate Dean in the DAPER/DSL Office of Advancement.




This fleet made possible by: Your Name Here!

Full boat donations or Fleet gifts will proudly display a plaque inside the cockpit area for all users to appreciate your generosity.

All donors or groups of donors are invited to name their boat as well. Historically, names have been chosen to honor a coach, family friend, interesting inspiration or person of admiration. The choice is yours!

MIT Engineers


Candace L. Royer
Associate Director of Development / Athletics
MIT Office of Individual Giving

Updated: 2021/06/07 11:29:34
Updated: 2021/06/07 11:29:34