Description | Registration | Entries

Trimaran Sailing Boston Harbor, not an MIT sanctioned event

Sat 03-Aug-202410:30-16:00
Registration Start: 22-July-2024 at 00:00
Registration End:03-August-2024 at midnight


This is an opportunity for up to four people to sail with me on my 32' Farrier F32 trimaran. We would need at least two sailors who have experience with boats over 25'.  We leave from the Boston Harbor Yacht Club and return there. The Yacht Club is a large gray building on the water, address 1805 Columbia Road, South Boston. Parking is not an issue nor is bicycle parking. . I would suggest that people bring something to eat and drink, a windbreaker, and whatever else you might want to be comfortable on a sailboat for several hours. If you are interested, please get back to me via email include a brief descripton of your  sailing experience a number at which you can be reached by phone or text. Thank you,



Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): Rob TAGIURI

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46