Description | Notice of Race | Sailing Instructions | Results | Registration | Entries

30th Annual Brass Rat Regatta

Sat 12-Oct-202409:00-19:30
Sun 13-Oct-202409:30-16:30
Registration Start: 12-September-2024 at 00:00
Registration End:12-October-2024 at midnight

Sailing Instructions

October 12-13, 2024, MIT Sailing Pavilion


1.1 The regatta shall be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing of World Sailing, and by the rules and regulations of MIT Sailing.

1.2 The Prescriptions of the US National Authority (US Sailing) shall apply.

1.3 The ICSA class rules of the intercollegiate dinghy class as described in The Procedural Rules for Intercollegiate Sailing Competition 2021-2024 shall apply.

1.4 The MITNA Tech Dinghy Guidelines and Code of Conduct for the Brass Rat Regatta will apply (see Attachment A).

1.5 In the event of a conflict between the Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions the SIs shall take precedence.



Notices to competitors will be posted on the wall located between the two Sailing Team locker rooms.



3.1 Changes to the sailing instructions may be made at any time and communicated verbally either on the water or ashore. This changes RRS 90.2(c).

3.2 If a change is made while racing is underway, attention to changes (which will be posted) will be made by verbal hail to the competitors during the next boat rotation. The change will then apply only to subsequent races. This changes RRS 90.2(c).



The lowering of the MITNA burgee from the flagpole, combined with multiple horn or whistle signals and/or the illumination of the exterior lights, is a signal for all competitors to return to the dock and await further instruction.



ICSA Procedural Rule 18 shall be used.

A synopsis is as follows: the Race Committee will use verbal hails instead of flag signals except that the X Flag in conjunction with hails shall be used to signal boats that may be OCS. This modifies rules 26, 27.1, 27.3, 29.1, 29.2, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 32.1, 32.2, 33 and 34. Flag signals may be used to supplement the verbal hails, in which event the meaning of the flag signals shall be consistent with the Racing Rules of Sailing.



6.1 Racing will be held on October 12 and 13, 2024.

6.2 The Competitors Briefing will be at 0945 on Saturday and (if needed) at 0945 on Sunday.

6.3 Races will be held back-to-back so as to provide opportunity for the maximum number of races. A lunch break, and/or a delay due to wind or weather conditions may be provided at any time at the discretion of the race committee.

6.4 The warning signal for the first race on Saturday will be as soon as possible after the Competitors Briefing. The warning signal for the first race on Sunday will be at 1000.

6.5 On the last day of the regatta no warning signal will be made after 1500.

6.6 Any changes to the schedule will be announced before they take effect.



7.1 A boat rotation will be posted on the official notice board. The rotation may be changed or amended at any point during the regatta. A competitor may be required to sail the same boat multiple times during the regatta. It is the responsibility of the competitors to check the posted rotation to be sure they are taking the proper boat.

7.2 If a competitor has BYE listed in the boat column of the rotation sheet for any given race, that competitor shall not participate in that race.



The racing area will be the lower Charles River Basin.



9.1.1 The race committee will announce the intended course options at the skipper's meeting. A diagram of the course options will be posted on the notice board. New course options may be diagramed and posted at any time.

9.1.2 The course diagrams will show the courses, including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left.

9.1.3 The course to be sailed will be announced verbally by the race committee. The same course designation will remain in effect for successive races until a new course instruction is issued by the race committee.

9.2 A gate may be used in lieu of a single leeward mark. When there is a gate, boats shall sail between the gate marks from the direction of the previous mark and round either gate mark.

9.3 An offset mark may be added at any windward mark. The offset mark shall be rounded in the same direction (either to port or to starboard) as the windward mark, and must be rounded after first rounding the windward mark.

9.4 Courses shall not be shortened. This changes rules 32.1 and 32.2. Races may be abandoned.



10.1 All marks will be colored balls. Turning marks will be red, yellow, white, pink, or green unless otherwise specified. Starting line marks will be red, yellow, white, or pink unless otherwise specified. Finish line marks will be red, yellow, white, pink, or green unless otherwise specified.



11.1 Races will be started using US Sailing Appendix S. A horn or whistle will be used to give time signals as follows:

  • 3 long signals at 3 minutes
  • 2 long signals at 2 minutes
  • 1 long 3 short signals at 1.5 minutes
  • 1 long signal at 1 minute
  • 3 short signals at 30 seconds
  • 2 short signals at 20 seconds
  • 1 short signal at 10 seconds
  • 1 short signal at 5 seconds
  • 1 short signal at 4 seconds
  • 1 short signal at 3 seconds
  • 1 short signal at 2 seconds
  • 1 short signal at 1 second
  • 1 long signal at START.

This modifies Rule 26.

11.2 The starting line shall be between a staff on the race committee boat and the port end starting mark.

11.3 There may be 2 marks in the vicinity of the starting line in which case the mark furthest from the signal boat shall be the starting mark.

11.4 A boat which starts later than two minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start. This changes rule A4.1.



12.1 The Race Committee may move any mark at any time without a signal. This modifies RRS 33.

12.2 No mark shall be moved while a boat is on a leg which it terminates.



The finishing line will be between two finishing marks. At the discretion of the race committee, one finishing mark may be replaced by a race committee boat, in which event, the finishing line will be between a staff on the race committee boat and the opposite end (of the finishing line) finishing mark.



14.1 There is no time limit for the first boat to finish.

14.2 Boats failing to finish within five minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish. This changes rules 35 and A4.

14.3 The race committee may instruct a competitor to return to the starting line, or return to the dock for boat rotation prior to completion of the course and prior to the elapse of the time limit if in the opinion of the race committee the competitor's position has been clearly established.



15.1 A race may be abandoned for any reason at the discretion of the race committee.

15.2 The next starting signal will be for a re-sail of the abandoned race.



16.1 Protest forms are available at the front desk. The intent to protest shall be recorded with the finish boat, and a protest form should be started and turned in to race management in the Beaver Lodge at the conclusion of the current set of races and before starting the next set of races (during rotation). A completed protest form must be filed within the protest time limit.

16.2 The protest time limit is 15 minutes after the last boat has finished the last race of the day. The same protest time limit applies to all protests by the race committee and to requests for redress. This changes rules 61.3 and 62.2. The race committee may require that protests be filed ahead of the time limit if the opportunity to advance the protest hearings occurs.

16.3 A schedule of hearings will be posted within 5 minutes after the protest time limit to inform competitors of the time, place, and order in which the protests will be heard.

16.4 On the last day of the regatta a request for reopening a hearing shall be delivered:

(a) Within the protest time limit if the party requesting reopening was informed of the decision on the previous day;

(b) No later than 10 minutes after the party requesting reopening was informed of the decision.

This changes rule 66.

16.5 Competitors are responsible for having their own copy of the racing rules. The Race Committee and MITNA and its staff will not provide rulebooks to competitors.



A jury will be selected by the organizing committee.



18.1 The Low Point scoring system of Appendix A of the RRS will apply.

18.2 Three races are required to constitute a series.

18.3 (a) When fewer than 10 races have been completed, a competitor's series score will be the total of her race scores. The race score for a BYE will be the average score of all other races.

18.3 (b) When 10 or more races have been completed, a competitor's series score will be the total of her race scores excluding the competitor's worst score. The race score for a BYE will be the average score of all other races with the exclusion of the competitor's worst score overall.

18.4 A competitor who arrives after the start of his or her first scheduled race of the day and has not notified the Race Committee by 1900 the prior day may be scored DNS for the rest of that day.



19.1 A single fleet of Tech Dinghies will be used.

19.2 The format on Sunday might not be the same as the format used on Saturday.



20.1 A competitor who retires from racing shall notify the race committee as soon as possible. If it is not possible to notify the race committee on the water, the competitor shall return to the dock promptly and notify race management in the Beaver Lodge immediately.

20.2 A competitor who either takes a DNS or who retires for the rest of the day is responsible for taking care of their assigned boat for the rest of the day unless told otherwise by the Race Committee.



21.1 The name of the sailor with the lowest series score will be inscribed on the Brass Rat perpetual trophy.



Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 3, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.




MITNA Tech Dinghy Guidelines and Code of Conduct for the Brass Rat

MITNA Staff, regatta volunteers, and associated personnel are Supreme Beings and shall be treated as such.

Authority of the MITNA staff

The MITNA staff has authority over all participants in the Brass Rat Regatta. Competitors are obliged to respect any instructions given to them by the staff and race committee and shall treat the staff with courtesy. Failure to respond to the reasonable requests of the staff may result in expulsion from the competition.


Competitors shall not excessively complain, swear nor have temper tantrums.

Treatment of the Tech Dinghies

Competitors should at all times treat the Tech Dinghies with care and respect and not behave in any manner that could cause damage in situations that are not governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, including at or on the dock or any other part of the sailing pavilion. Please assist staff at any time with rearranging boats as directed.

The rigging and equipment of the Tech Dinghies shall not be modified in any way from the condition in which they were provided except as follows:

a. Existing lines may be used to implement a system to hold the boom out while on a free leg of the course

b. An additional line may be added to hold the rudder from coming off inadvertently

c. Tell-tales may be added to the sail or standing rigging. Tell-tales shall only be removed prior to your use of the boat. Tell-tales may not be removed once you have completed the last race with that boat in the current rotation. Boats shall not be hauled onto the dock to facilitate the addition or removal of tell-tales to the sail.

Any equipment on any boat that appears to be non-standard or defective should be called to the attention of the staff.

Boats shall not be pulled up on the dock between races for any purpose without the express permission of the dock staff or the race committee. When boats are taken out of the water, please ensure that the rudder is not attached and that the bungee cord is attached to the centerboard lever before pulling the boat up onto the dock.



Questions about this event should be directed to the organizer(s): STEWART CRAIG, Eric Gibber

Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46
Updated: 2014/05/04 19:06:46