Wednesday Curriculum
[hide]Class 1 Curriculum
Give a brief introduction to the sailing program (in the Shore School: 5 minutes).
- Brief History of sailing at MIT
- How the lessons will work
- What to wear
- Other Pavilion activities:
- Lynx Catboats
- Windsurfing
- Lasers
- Fireflies
- Moonlight Sails
- Harbor Trips
- X Dimension
- Website
- Calendar of upcoming events
Policies and Procedures
Go over the rules and procedures of the sailing program (in the shore school: 10-15 minutes)
- How to get a sailing card
- How ratings work
- Swim Rating
- Provisional Rating
- Helmsman Rating
- Ratings for other boats
- Life jackets must be worn at all times in boats
- Guest Policy
- All persons in small boats must know how to swim
- Each MIT boat must have at least one person with a sailing card
- Sailing boundaries
- Don't go under bridges
- Keep the dock in sight
- Only land at the MIT dock
- Avoid shallows near Esplanade
- Avoid yacht club, community boating.
- Signals
- Lowering of the red flag or turning on of dock lights is the recall signal
- If you need help, lower your sail
- Capsizing
- Stay with the boat!
- You can try to right the boat or wait for help
- How to right the boat
- No smoking at the Pavilion or in boats
- No alcohol except at certain pre-registered events. See the website for more info.
Basics of Sailing
Go over the basics of how to sail a sailboat (in the shore school: 10-15 minutes)
- Steer with tiller: point the boat where you want to go
- Sit opposite the sail on the upwind side of the boat
- Pay attention to the boat's heading to steer a straight course
- Pay attention to wind direction: cannot sail less than 45 degrees into wind
- How to determine direction of wind
- How to get out of irons
Sail Trim
- Let the sail out until it luffs, then pull in just far enough to stop luffing
- Pull the sail all the way in when sailing upwind
- Let the sail out when sailing downwind.
- In gusts, ease out to prevent capsizing
Boat Trim
- Skipper must sit to be able to steer properly: sit on the side
- Crew must move around to keep boat level
- Turn upwind until bow crosses through the eye of the wind
- Remember to duck as boom moves across the boat
- Skipper must switch sides (always sits on the windward side)
- If you tack too slowly, you'll get stuck in irons
- Turn downwind until stern crosses through the eye of the wind
- Boom can have much more force than during a tack, so remember to duck
- Beware of sailing by-the-lee when sailing downwind
Tour of Pavilion
- Point out the locations of different boats
- Techs
- Lasers
- Windsurfers
- Fireflies
- FJs
- Lynx Catboats
- Point out the red flag on top of the Pavilion (burgee)
- Point out the shop
- Point out the day lockers
- Bikes go on west roof
- East roof can be rented for parties
- Point out two unisex restrooms
- Location and use of sailing cards
- Check with dock staff before taking out boats
- Location and use of lock box (silence cell phones before putting in box!)
- String to use for glasses
Sailing & Rigging Demonstration
Rigging a Tech Dinghy
- Point out locations of life jacket, rudders, sails, & bailers
- Put all four items in a boat
- Tie head of sail to halyard with stunsail tack bend
- Attach clew to boom
- Only raise the sail a foot or so on the dock
- Put boat in water, tie up with bowline
- Don life jacket and step in boat
- Lower centerboat
- Attach rudder
- Raise sail -- make sure it is fully hoisted
- Adjust downhaul
- Tension outhaul to a hand's width
- Vang disabled (attached to boom near mast)
Sailing Demonstration
- Proper position in the boat of skipper
- Do not use tiller extension!
- Check for traffic before launching
- Push off, steer away from dock, trim sail
- Always land pointed into the wind (check flag, observe other boats)
- Exit the boat near the wires and tie up
Reefing Demonstration
- Demonstrate how to reef the sail
- Use of dogbone
- Use of sail envelope
Derigging Demonstration
- Lower sail, remove rudder, raise centerboard, attach centerboard bungee
- Pull boat out and finish unrigging
- Point out the jam cleat at the top of the mast (halyard can become jammed)
- Store the rudder, sails, and reefing gear in the proper place
- Finish off class with demonstration of knots in the Shore School
- Bowline
- Stunsail Tack Bend
- Mooring Cleat Hitch
- Pass out handouts
- Encourage students to download and read the Sailing Booklet (Sailing and the Tech Dinghy)
Class 2 Curriculum
Rig boats
- Check with students when they arrive at the Pavilion:
- Have they taken Class 1? (If not, send them to Shore School)
- Do they have a partner? Pair them up
- Two people per boat, have them get sails, rudders, & life jackets and start rigging
- It helps to have a number of people on the dock to assist with rigging
Lecture and Demonstration
When most of the boats are rigged, gather students together and go over important points:
- Proper position for skipper and crew
- Tiller must be able to move all the way side-to-side
- Do not use tiller extension
- Never drop the tiller
- Crew controls the sheet:
- Trim directly from the boom
- Remember to let it out in gusts
- Let it all the way out when landing
- Remember to switch sides of boat when tacking: skipper always opposite the sail
- Crew must shift weight to keep boat balanced
- Give plenty of room to other boats
- Always land pointed into the wind
- Instructor will demonstrate launch, tacks, jibes, and landing.
- It helps to have another instructor on the dock to describe the demonstration
- Describe the course the students are going to sail
- Demonstrate reefing
- Have all the students put in one or two reefs (depending on the conditions)
- Before class, set up a single buoy about 10 boat lengths from the dock, for a beam reach
- Three instructors will assist:
- One instructor upwind on the dock to help launch
- One instructor in a motorboat to assist on the water
- One instructor downwind on the dock to assist with landing
- Students launch one at a time:
- Skipper gets in first
- Crew pushes off
- Students sail to the buoy and perform a tack around it
- Students sail back to the dock and land near the third instructor
- Third instructor may wish to use a megaphone to be able to assist landing in a calm voice
- Students will get out of their boats, and walk back to the start
- Dock instructors will control the number of boats on the water
- Allow fewer boats out at a time in windy conditions
- Slow down launching of boats if some students are having difficulty
- Dock instructors can also provide pointers to students while they are waiting to launch
- Students should alternate skipper vs. crew each time