Winterizing Lists Compared

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The lists being compared here are primarily power-train oriented (engine/transmission/stuffing-box etc). The few items on some lists which are other boat systems (e.g., drinking water system) those subjects have been ignored.

The 6 columns A, B, ..., F show where in each of six different "winterizing" lists
the subjects in the "Layup Action" are covered.  

The next table defines the data sources of the A, B, ..., F rererences. 

============================	=======	======	======	======	======	======
				  A	  B	  C	  D	  E   	  F
				Calder	W'beke boatsafe	Torr-	Broke	BoatUS
Layup action			p.290	FAQ    generic	 esen	Boats	D.Casey
============================	=======	======	======	======	======	======

check owner's manual your boat	---	---	#00	---	---	---
consult qualified service cen	---	---	#00	#00	---	---

change engine oil		#01	#02-A	#01-A	#02-A	---	#02-A
replace oil filter		---	#02-B	#01-B	#01-B	---	---
(requires running engine)

change transmission fluid	#01	#03	#03	#02-B	---	-#02-B
(requires running transmission
 and prop (i.e. in water))

a: change antifreeze 		#02	---	---	#03-B	#01-C 	#01	
   freshwater cooling					      if contam
b: check antifreeze low-temp	---	#01A/B	---	#03-A	#01-A	---	
   & add more concentrated

add rust inhibitor if anti-	---	---	---	---	#01-B	---
freeze more than 1 season old

check zinc(s)			---	#07	---	---	---	---

a: drain raw-water system	#03A	---	---	---	#08	#07	
   esp all low spots, 						      muffler can.
   and drain base of 
   water-lift muffler
b. run fresh-water in		---	#06A	#02-A	---	---	---
c. run 50/50 antifreeze in	#03B	#06B	#02-B	#04	---	---
   (requires running engine)
back-flush raw-water passages	---	---	---	---	---	#04-A
fill with antifreeze, drain it	---	---	---	---	---	#04-B&C
clean raw-water strainer	#03A/B	---	---	---	---	---

remove raw pump impeller,	#03A/B	#08A	---	---	---	#05
grease, replace,		#03A/B					leave out
leaving pump cover screws loose
insert/replace impeller spring	---	#08B	---	---	---	---

wash vented loop valves		#04	---	---	---	---	---

check for carbon buildup at	#05A	---	---	---	---	---
exhaust manifold -to- exhaust

check raw-water injection	#05-B	---	---	---	---	---
elbow for corrosion

check raw injection nipple for	#05	---	---	---	---	---
obstruction (remove raw-water

check fuel filters & tank 	#06	---	---	---	---	---	
for water & sediment, clean

change element primary fuel 	---	#04C	---	---	---	---
and/or clean bowl

change fuel filter elements	---	#05	---	---	#05	---
& bleed system 
(requires running engine)

keep fuel tank full to reduce	#06	#04A 	#05	---	#03	#03A
condensation (so top up)

add fuel conditioner/stabilizer	---	#04B	#07	---	#03	#03B

squirt oil into inlet manifold	#07	---	---	#06	---	---
& turn over engine to spread	#07	---	---	#06=NO!	---	---
oil around cylinder walls (fogging)
    (but only with hand crank)	---	---	---	#06	---	#06
remove injectors & squirt	---	needn't	---	---	---	---
oil into cylinders	---
ditto sparkplugs		---	---	#04	---	#07	---

grease all grease points	#08	---	---	---	#10	---

seal all openings into engine	#09	#09A	---	#07	---	#10
(air inlet, breather, exhaust)
by stuffing in oily rag

seal fuel tank vent		#09	---	---	---	---	---

remove engine control cable	#10	---	--- 	---	#06	#09
inner wires, clean, inspect, 					lube	grease
grease, replace; check sheathing
check control connections to	---	#11A	---	---	---	---
engine & xmission, lube, 
check for smoth movement

leave shut-off pull in RUN	---	#11B	---	---	---	---

inspect flexible feet & 	#11	---	---	---	---	---
couplings for softening 

inspect hoses for softening,	#12	---	---	---	---	---
cracking, bulging, esp on hot 
sides of cooling & exhaust sys

check hose clamps tightness &	#12	---	---	---	---	---
corrosion (incl on worm gear)

check turbocharger (remove	#13	---	---	---	---	---
inlet & exhaust ducting; clean
(not applicable 'Nevermore')

ensure batteries fully charged,	#14	#14A	---	---	---	---
wetcell top-up & charge monthly	
remove batteries		---	#14B	---	---	#13	---
light spray WD-40 alternator	#15	---	---	---	---	---
& starter motor (moisture
clean & lube starter pinion	---	#12	---	---	---	---

loosen belts			#15	---	---	---	#09	---
(water pump & alternator)

disconnect prop shaft coupling	---	#10A	---	---	---	---	
(but not if boat stays in water)

adjust prop shaft coupling 	---	#10B	---	---	---	---
alignment spring after in water,
mast stepped, rig tuned

tighten stuffing boat		---	---	---	---	---	#11
if boat winters in water

scrape rust/corrosion exposed	---	---	---	*08	#11-A	#08-A 
metal & surfaces, scrub w/ 

paint any bare metal		???	???	???	#08	#11-B	#08-B

place dust-cover over engine	---	---	---	#09	#12	---

============================	=======	======	======	======	======	======


=====	======	====================================================================
column	source	author or web title / web URL
=====	======	====================================================================
 A.	book	Calder, "Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual", pp. 290-292

 B.	web,    Westerbeke winterizing FAQ

 C. 	web	Boatsafe "Winterize Your Boat"

 D.	web	Torreson "Winterizing Fresh Water Cooled Diesel Entines"

 E.	web	Broke Boats "Directions to Winterize Inboard ... Boats"
		Note: this list is slanted toward gasoline inboards, ThomS thinks;
		he's leaving off "remove flame arrestor and pour c. pint
		of motor oil into carb while running engine fast idle;
		then pour last c. 4 oz fast enuf to shut motor down, or turn
		it off after you've put in all oil"

 F.	web	Don Casey, "Winterizing Your Engine"
=====	======	====================================================================