Bluewater Skipper

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The Bluewater Skipper Rating was implemented to provide an educational opportunity to sailors at MIT who are interested in learning more about leading coastal sailing trips. A sailor who has attained the Bluewater Skipper Rating has demonstrated that they can ensure the safety operation of the vessel and crew while making a positive contribution to the building the MIT Bluewater Sailing community.

Provisional Skipper Procedure

Provisional Fast Track

The Bluewater community recognizes that members may enter the community with significant prior experience which they would like to share to grow the program. Some examples of 'significant prior experience' may be ownership of a keelboat, extensive racing experience, significant bareboat skippering experience, charter/delivery captains, or professional training in a maritime institution such as a military service, merchant marine academy, or the American Association of Tall Ships.

The process to follow the Fast Track to the Provisional Skipper License, which confers the same privileges and responsibilities as the Provisional Skipper, is outlined here.

Full Skipper