Task List 2022-23
Note: the current task list is here: Mashnee_task_list
[hide]Unfinished Tasks from 2023 Season
MIT Work
- Calibrate all instruments following factory procedures (https://pdf.nauticexpo.com/pdf/b-g/quick-guide-to-instrument-calibration/21524-2087.html)
- Remove speed sensor and clean
- Get AIS displaying on Zues3Ser
- Repair 140 leech
- SOP + pictures of jackline setup
- Bungees on head hatch - Gavin
- Replace latch on dinghy bow hatch (new latch onboard Mashnee)
- Hand stitch the 95 Jib luff again?
- Grease companionway tracks
- Improving reefing setup at tack
- Come up with better organization for fenders, docklines
Off-Season Work
- Mounting for compass? New compass?
- Working jib - bolt rope on the luff frayed near the head - fix
- Stitch zipper stops for all sail bags
- Cunningham purchase system to easily be soft shackled on when needed - carabiner?
- Longer jib furling line to let us lead it aft? Soft shackle fairlead?
- Ring-dings for turnbuckles
- Replace eye for lee cloth on port berth
- Repair screen on the starboard and port portholes
- Better reefing hook
- Replace jib sheets with the same type of line
- Swap spin halyards so red flecked is the port side
- Add eyes to mast? Gavin has idea?
- More permanent repair to companionway screen (+ better place to store)
- Clean up wood around bilge panels for easier access
- Get all around white light for dinghy at night?
Dion's Work
- Get 1" half oval from Hamilton for Centerboard Gasket Plates. Two 8' pieces... Cut to fit. Drill and counter sink for 1/4" screws on drill press. Install gasket beneath. Mark edges then, remove and re-cut gasket with hot knife. Then finally install...
- Replace topping lift dyneema line
- to confirm: The forward hatch teeth (the part attached to the hull that the latch goes in) needs to be re-attached. Thru bolted in bronze pls
- Polish fuel tank- Boat should arrive with less than 1/3 tank
- Replace or repair two bent stanchions
- Service propeller
- inspect cutlass bearing (lots of noise from propeller)
North Work
- We need a new canvas boot for the mast-deck connection. (Transferred to 2024 list--new mast boot)
- Repairs to 140?
- Repairs to mainsail cover