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Nevermore Archive

This is the archive for information about Nevermore. This wiki is used as a reference and administrative tool by the people who sail Nevermore to help keep track of issues such as maintenance and repair.


Ship Systems Status - currrent status of systems on the boat

Task List - ongoing list of things that need to be done

Shopping List - Things needed for the boat

Nevermore Trips - Includes GPS Track Logs

Technical Info

Systems Descriptions - detailed enumeration of systems

Inventory - what is on the boat and where is it stowed

Vessel Documentation - U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Information

Registrations / Contracts - licenses, contracts - esp. involving Pavilion staff

Nevermore Documents - tabulation of Nevermore's hard-copy docs, and some associated web references.

Orientation and Education

Depart Checklist - things to do before you get underway

Return Checklist - things to do before you leave the boat

Nevermore SOPs - various operational best practices

Nevermore HowTos - how to do just about anything on the boat

Winterization - things to make the boat secure for the winter

Springification - things to make the boat ready for the sailing season


Web Links to vendors, Tartan and other boating organizations (including MIT Sailing), official regulations, terminology, and various instructional sites.

