Talk:Safety Requirements

Revision as of 16:48, 12 February 2012 by ThomS (Talk | contribs)

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Technically, the oil and garbage placards are not safety requirements per se, but they are items that are usually lumped with other required safety items because they are usually checked during a safety inspection. Other things that are checked during a safety inspection include documentation, including federal or state registration, and correct numbering on the hull.


The lights requirement

  "Underway Under Motor Power - Alternate Configuration"

seems to be only for boats less than 12 meters, which doesn't apply to X-Dimension IMHO. Rule 23 (c) INLAND shows the purest pic and the rule; the INTERNAT rule finally comes up with about the same thing.

I've left this condiguration in the rules in case we want to include the dinghy, but that probably should be separated out (and we should try to define the most minimalist interpretation and actually make our dinghy legal?

-ThomS 12Feb12